This is a President!

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When was the last time you saw this many agents working on a case or defending someone? Cybertrucks already have more rights than women in the USA.

But violence against the Capitol building isn’t terrorism, or crime. It’s tourism?

If a poorly made cyber truck catches fire and burns down a tesla dealership, will we call that cyber truck a terrorist or will we call all cyber trucks terrorists?

So fuck all them kids in schools, we must protect…Tesla.


~~Protect~~ Eat the Rich

I think schools should start selling Teslas.

Cmon guys….the richest man in the world who is destroying lives on the daily needs our support….

This dude is really out there doing whatever ridiculous thing the fuck he wants .. cyber trucks got more rights than Americans currently

Sooo … boycotting and protesting Tesla dealerships is … “domestic terrorism…” BUT … storming the halls of government on Jan 6th … is what?!

Another day, another embarrassment, courtesy of maga.

So when is national tesla day?

Well Cybertrucks know their place!!! /s

Human corpses already have more rights to bodily autonomy than women. Makes sense that machines would get to jump the line too.

But the crazies shouting and running cars into people on his name… not domestic terrorism.

Imagine if cybertruck security was Uvalde security. That would be wild.

Cybertrucks getting better treatment than Ukraine…

The fact that the mere idea of a Tesla dealership being attacked yields a larger police response than an active school shooting just goes to show how fucked America is

Attack a car dealership? Domestic terrorists.

Attack the capitol building? Tourists.

If you consider Cybertruck maintenance like women’s healthcare, it’s way closer than you think.

“How can you slap! How can she slap?”

Ouch, to close.

What domestic terrorism is he talking about?

This is what you get with oligarchy.

“Cybertrucks are people my friend.” – Mitt Romney probably

Sheesh….talk about feeding the fire. That threat isn’t going to help.

A cybertruck has more rights than minorities

Close? Not even!

You win! Best comment of 2025 to date

Did not know a car could vote

And children

Where’s the murder op?

Thats because women are no longer property. Maybe if they were! /s

Tesla need to hire them some koreans

More rights than *people*.

Remember, in the USA it is perfectly legal to strip then strap down a baby boy, cram a metal rod between his foreskin and glans to literally rip them apart (think ripping off a fingernail), crush his foreskin in a clamp, and cut it away…all while he is fully conscious with less pain management than a cavity filling. Well, unless he passes out from the trauma and pain. Or dies from asphyxiating on his own vomit.

Now I’ll wait for this comment to get flagged for advocating violence like my last one that accurately described circumcision.

My rule has always been to separate business from politics🤷🏼‍♂️

Call me when women need to register with the government to walk the streets.

Boycotting is illegal! Wear a mask.


Burning down a dealership or vandalizing cars because you don’t like Elon is terrorism .. when innocent peoples lives are in danger because you want to own somebody you dislike , it’s terrorism whether it’s a car dealership or an abortion clinic , library that has drag queen story hour or an elected representatives office ..

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