Why the eff does DOGE get to make this pronouncement?

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Oh, look. The enshittification of government services continues!

They want in person, but they’re going to gut the staff. I hate this timeline.

They are going to privatize Social Security anyway.

Here is a list of every senators’ direct line in DC. Call all the democrats and demand they vote NO on the CR to stop this insanity from continuing.


In person?

…there’s still going to be people there?

“Thank you for calling Tesla. Press 1
For assistance with an online SSA benefits application for only $49.95!”

DOGE is an extremely illegal and ultra corrupt organization. They need to get out of our government now.

They don’t but they’re testing to see how far Americans allow them to go.

A B testing from the inner circles of hell

… and the Staff at Social Security Offices will be fired and the leases for the buildings cancelled.

But sure… in person.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration or dramatic to say that they are declaring war on American people. Fuck those guys. We’ve got to go get them before they get us.

Whew, it’s a good thing that old people neither have time on their hands nor ever vote!

What problem is this supposed to fix?

Total disaster if this happens

And they cut the leases on fed buildings.. so they need to go to DC .

They will also shut down local offices in the name of “efficiency” so in person will require significant travel for basically everyone. It’s no different than the cable company forcing you to wait on hold for hours to cancel your subscription, they know that a large percentage of people will just give up if you make the process hard enough. It’s a very “maximize profit” mentality, which has no place in government services.

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This is gonna be the straw that broke the Camels back. Trump pushing the limits with his little down syndromed pal. Actually sorry to any people with Down syndrome that’s actually an insult to you beautiful people to compare you with that idiot.

Because there is no other way since he fired everyone, most of them anyway. It’s AI chatbot land of services. Good luck.

Never forget: The cruelty is the point.

So close 90% of the SS offices staff the remaining offices with 2 people then demand in person applications. Then claim the whole system doesn’t work and sell it to wall street.

To smoke out all those fraudulent 250-year-old beneficiaries…

/s (if there was any doubt)

My mom literally doesn’t know how to turn off/on her smartphone.

They’re trying to create the fraud they claim exists so they can point to it when they shut it all down. This will lead to filing errors by overworked staff and honest mistakes by seniors, which they will then point to as evidence to justify their bullshit.

Deport Elon Musk!

Is doge a federal department approved by senate? No?

Why the fuck are their proclamations holding water?

I’m gunna guess it’s the corruption. Wild guess I know, but I’ve got a good feeling about it.

Not to mention they’ve closed multiple SS offices in multiple states. Efficiency!!!

when do they start inking our social security numbers on our arms?

Bottom line is that they want all of us (seniors, veterans, children, disabled, etc.) to just die faster. To them, we’re a weight around the neck of the country because we didn’t inherit billions from a daddy like they did. The care nothing about what we may have contributed already. “What have you done for me lately?” Far more years of good, hard work than you, Felon and F’Elon.

They’re trying to starve and murder people! Not only that but the agency is being dismantled. Lines would be wrapped around buildings and not enough workers.

Can you imagine the health implications and stress on the ill and elderly?! 

Everytime we get a crap economy Dems have to FIX IT , but then Republicans come back and FOX IT ALL UP AGAIN!!!!

Cruelty is the goal.

Make this HIS problem and he won’t do it.
The fact that he feels like he can just do shit like this and not see any resistance is outlandish.
Organize your communities!

WELL there’s a good look, Elon.

Shoving around old people isn’t going to make your equipment functional. You know which equipment.

Elderly also tend to not have a lot of fucks to give.

Senior citizens considering what type of rocks throw the best.

Good thing they’re closing a bunch of social security offices too!

I mean if you file 50% of SSS I can’t imagine there’s a lot of people available to answer phones.

How efficient of our oligarchs.

To the elderly that posted memes of “crippling an entire generation” through use of rotary phones and stick shifts: FUCK. YOU.

And scam resistant

Once again, the generation that invented technology is no good at technology. Shocking.

Which would be a complete and total violation of the ADA, which a lot of elderly people fall under.

Aren’t they simultaneously closing social security offices?

because we live in mad max world now.

store up your guzzline bro.

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