A world that doesn’t exist anymore

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And it was on that fateful day that OP discovered…. *seasons*

Like that pic wasnt photoshopped to hell to make it look like that.

Or…..it’s taken in a different season?

Do you think it could have some more pixels? I can still kinda tell it’s a hill

This is like Teletubbies level shit.

I took a picture of my lawn one day and it was pure white! Could you believe that?

Then, I took another picture and it was pure *green*.

Another picture? There was this weird four legged animal there wearing a dog collar.

I dunno how it happened. Thinking of getting some scientists to work out whats going on.

One picture shows grass the other shows crops. Not le same.

So late spring vs dead of winter?

The “recent” picture is purposely chosen to make it look worse than it is though. It doesn’t look nearly that lifeless if you find it on Google Maps, and it didn’t look nearly as bad in [this photo]comment image).

Oh no, that blue sky with clouds is gone forever!

They may have fat fingered 9 and 0

New wallpaper for windows 11💀

Only the view has changed, same world. It will happen again, same as before.

That screensaver was the most perfect piece of earth when I was a kid. It was always refreshing lol.

Reminds me of the No Rain music video by Blind Melon


This looks like a spring versus the end of summer comparison. The Tehachapi mountains look green and beautiful right now… the wild flowers will start blooming or will in the next week. That vegetation grows over the next few months, and in the summer, it turns the mountains brown. The cycle repeats…

It could be hay, rye, or wheat… all of those crops would look like the green mountain while they are sprouting.

Super misleading. Pick a super gloomy day and everything

What a metaphor for how a lot of us feel right now.

OP apparently knows nothing about the natural world, seasons or farming.

I kinda think like people consciously post such shitty pixelled pictures.

Rage bait.

This is dumb.


I mean throw some skeletons in there and an abandoned/on-fire Wal-Mart and that about describes the current state of Windows.

Damn, Biden, WTF


Photo was just taken at the wrong time of year that’s all. That’s how all our front Lawns look after winter

Wow a 4 pixel photo of a vineyard in Sonoma! Been looking for one of these.

Sonoma would’ve been a nice name for an operating system version

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