Just an old lady in rural Russia

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His body double on vacation. Don’t judge her, it’s a hard job.

Mrs dumpsterfire

why isn’t she wearing a suit?

Donna Krasnova


” Donna Tramp “

cant trick me, visiting the secret lover putler

This person does not deserve this shit

This is Spain, Dolores (Pains)


sorry to be the devils advocate here, but this poor lady had her picture taken without her possible consent or knowledge and is now being insulted across the internet for minding her business? May this never happen to one your loving family members. I think she is lovely in her pink outfit and pretty hat. Not sure how this post has ignited so much hate ๐Ÿ™

You will never see this lady and donny in the same room…

It’s funny but also sad.
It is sad in the sense that one day you might be in public transport living you day to day life , in your own mind, someone will take a picture of you and post it online because of how funny you look.
I hate boomer, but sometimes this social media era sucks ๐Ÿ™

Maybe donโ€˜t take pictures of other people without their permission dickhead

Trump on vacation after visiting the boss


he has to sneak in to see his boyfriend


Itโ€™s just Trump in disguise waiting for his turn after Orban finish sucking Putinโ€™s dick.

It’s just a Trump in disguise, going to visit his master Putin.

Why isn’t she driving the Tesla she bought the other day?


Dana Krasnova an would be an actually valid Russian name

In Russia women go from 10 to Babushka in a blink of an eye. I suspect here we are looking at a 22 year old woman that was an influencer.

Mrs Krasnov!

Mrs Krasnov.

Donaldiva Trumpotzka

Taking pictures of strangers without their consent is garbage behavior

Imagine taking a photo of a complete stranger just to post it on reddit to dunk on them for looking like someone you don’t like. Disgusting behavior.

Mrs Krasnova.

The Tesla broke down ๐Ÿ˜…

Thatโ€™s the Mango

In Russia, we affectionately call her Babushka, which means grandma or simply an old lady. She’s often seen wearing her signature headscarf. She keeps the family together. Grandma knows everything.

Trump in disguise on his way to Putin’s sex dungeon

Krasnovโ€™s cuz

Donald Trap

Shitler on a bus going to see his master ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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