Oh my

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I was the same way. I eventually had to tell myself that if it was that easy, a lot more people would die from their PBJ sandwich. So I must be fine.

Had this same fear as a kid too. It didn’t help that episode of SpongeBob when Plankton had that atom in his hands, split it in two and had that old nuke explosion video on the ocean was released a couple years later.

For too long I thought plants pumped out carbon dioxide. I thought if I got really close and took a deep breath in I would die. When I’d get really mad at my parents I’d think of how sorry they would be for grounding me if I just ran into the yard and committed death by grass.

When I was about seven, I learned how fast light travels and started flipping the switch repeatedly, trying to catch even the slightest delay.

Me as a kid when I find out the sun is going to explode someday

Holy shit I thought I was the only one

Lmao this really reads like an anxious teenager wrote it.

Wait until they found out about laser cutters & dual miter saws.

This risk would certainly take kitchen nightmares up a level!

What if the meteorite that ended the dinosaurs was just a T-Rex that hit his steak’s atoms at the wrong angle while chewing it?

Now im worried. Okay back to studying then.

At 10 I was still struggling to learn the multiplication table…

love how kids brain work. the stress of accidentally causing a nuclear explosion is so real 😂

That’s a whole new level of “don’t cut corners” who knew cutting a sandwich could be so dangerous?

When I was a kid I read about how light was so fast it could travel around the world 7 times in a second. I thought light literally orbited the earth like a moon.

I’m just imagining a 10-year-old nervously cutting a piece of string like, ‘Please don’t end the world, please don’t end the world.’

I remember learning about acid rain and thinking any day there could be rain that would melt my skin off.

When I was a kid, I thought that those songs that ends by just fading out is sang live by slowly turning the volume knobs to zero. Never occurred to me you can just not do it how it’s recorded.

That must be why they won’t let the British carry sharp knives.

I don’t remember how it works but I learned hypothetically an object can pass through another if the atoms align perfectly or something (not a science guy). Anyways, the thought of that happening both horrified and intrigued me.

Also, I thought quicksand would be a huge problem

That was me for sure.


I love this mix of smart and stupid. It’s adorable.

eh, not relevant to subreddit. that is a very educated kid to understand nuklear physics. /jk

I thought holding hands made babies when I was 7


Really, it’s cutting a bunch of specific atoms all at the same time

I saw the movie Groundhog Day and thought that could just happen to anyone. Like it was a commonly known thing. On Saturdays I would hide out near the bus stop in case it was still Friday and on Mondays I’d do the same. All so I didn’t look like the weird kid waiting for the bus on the weekend.

This went on for a few weeks until my friend was over for a sleepover and called me out. “Why am I here? You’re weird.”
Mission failed.

Me except thinking that you can’t have both shampoo and conditioner in your hair at the same time.

Hey fun fact those explosions are actually the splitting of a ton of atoms at the same time. So splitting a singular atom would prolly be fine

Legitimate concern

Theoretically it’s possible.

Even as an adult who has studied modern physics at university, nuclear power is borderline black magic.

Hard to fault a kid for not understanding all the underlying concepts.

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