I wish I didn’t see this at 1am😭 this is scary. I honestly would leave for the night till I get it figured out
7 days ago
Fuuuuuck they’re playing apples to apples in your wall,,,,
7 days ago
F that I’d call the cops non emergency number say you found a hidden space in your apartment and are scared and want an officer to check it out. Given the hour I guarantee you 2 or more really big cops will show up with gloves on and investigate that in very quick time
Edit: should mention for anyone who needs to know this. I’m in the United States so your laws might be different. If you don’t know the non emergency number just call 911 and when they say what is your emergency say this is not an emergency they will assist you I promise. You are not breaking the law this is what the police are here for. However it is very important that you state it is not an emergency. An emergency is your or someone else’s life is in immediate danger a scary mystery hole doesn’t count. It is very important but legally speaking does not constitute an emergency
7 days ago
We need more pictures.
7 days ago
First thing, make sure to call your apt immediately and stay on it.
Next call boyfriend and have him come and have him buy a camera on way over.
Install camera facing this. When sleeping, lock your doors and set up motion alerts on your phone.
7 days ago
7 days ago
EDIT: (i barley know how to use reddit) In the morning i will investigate further, I not have that much of a death wish to do it at 1am as a female. (Some girls have no fear but i have a lot) I have sent an email to the front office.
Btw I do not have a gopro nor would i strap it to my child (my cat) to send her into the abyss
Another detail is that my apartments previous tenants left all of their belongings behind when they moved out and did so in a rush. I also have a few instances (about once a week) where crackheads come knocking on my door wanting to buy drugs, which would explain why the previous people left in a hurry if they were dealers/middle men for drugs
7 days ago
Doesn’t make it less creepy, but its not unheard of – there was some news story about something like this in… i think New York. Where holes behind mirrors led to other rooms or something insane.
I personally would be sleeping elsewhere tonight.
In the morning, get your apartment manager to go *with you* to figure this out. I wouldn’t trust them to not just say “it’s fine” and nail flimsy veneer over the gap.
If you think it’s a person in your closet, call the police
Eta: typos
7 days ago
Those things fell behind the panel from precious tenants storing stuff in the pantry.
7 days ago
See if you have any friends or family you can stay with until this is investigated properly. Take your cat too. This is terrifying and if someone’s crazy enough to live in your walls, you don’t know what else they’re crazy enough to do.
7 days ago
It’s hopefully nothing but treat it very much as something until you know for sure. Don’t take chances. Stay elsewhere if you can until you get answers or at least have someone stay with you (I say reluctantly).
But stay on it. And to be kind – keep us posted.
7 days ago
I gotta know – did your cat make it back okay? (Edit: Sorry, I just now read that you got her out. I was starting to speed read the first time, wanting to know more about this hallway, and must have skipped over that part.)
7 days ago
RemindMe! -2 days
7 days ago
Just to add another option- in my last apartment, the foot panels under my cabinets were lose and I also lost a cat in them (would have never noticed this otherwise). Once I got my cat out I shined a light in there and was horrified!!! Red Bull cans, trash, wrappers etc- this however was in a cabinet corner so there really wasn’t anywhere for anyone to go but the space was big- enough for someone to be in if they could squeeze inside. Turns out it was just a void spot of their cabinet design and all the contractors used it as a place to put their trash instead of having to throw it away in the final days of building the apartments. Could be a similar situation here, unless that gap leads to a hallway or something.
7 days ago
You better crawl back there during the day. It’s either left over things from previous tenant as other’s have said or the past tenants stashed those drugs behind there hence the crackheads coming over looking to buy drugs. It would make total sense.
7 days ago
what the hell new fear unlocked
7 days ago
Story time!!!!
One of my friends had a similar situation growing up in rural Australia— Mum lost her job and was home during the day, which was unusual for her, and heard strange noises coming from the roof. She thought a possum was up there. A pest guy came and lo and behold, a sleeping bag and an array of missing items from their home along with a note book of days and time when the family was/wasn’t home. When they asked the neighbours if they’d seen anyone hanging around they said “only your husband”……. She was a single Mum with only her two tween daughters. They never caught the guy!! Absolutely bizarre and scary, but no bad ever came from it.
Hopefully this is a similar situation and someone is just pinching food from your pantry, and nothing more sinister…. Hope you’re okay.
7 days ago
Yo this is actually crazy wtf. Front page material.
7 days ago
How do u know it’s a full on hallway, also have u noticed things missing before like food?
7 days ago
Can you stick your phone back there passed the panel and record with the flash on? Im curious
7 days ago
Curious to see how this turns out 😳
7 days ago
Well, I’m supposed to be moving into an apartment soon… And now I’m terrified. But advice, contact someone in charge, and I would go as far as the police.
7 days ago
This might just be a void space with lost stuff in it, like others are saying, but this shit does happen.
When we were in college, living in off-campus student apartments, a friend of mine came back to her apartment a few days into winter break to get something and noticed something odd. All of these apartments had a utility closet right by the front door on the patio for people to store outdoor items, and it looked like maintenance had come and cut a perfectly square small panel from the utility closet into her roommate’s bedroom.
It was especially odd that she was able to see this because all of the roommates (four girls) had locked their bedroom doors before leaving for the break, but now all four bedroom doors were open. A few things looked out of place in the living room, but my friend had been the first roommate to leave for break, so she wrote this off as the other roommates and figured the cut out panel was something building maintenance had done. She got what she came for, re-locked all the doors, and left.
Two weeks later, she was the first roommate to return to the apartment, and she could immediately see all the bedroom doors were open again. There were empty beer cans on the coffee table in the living room. The hole was still there in her roommate’s bedroom.
She immediately called the apartment management and asked when the maintenance team would be done with their work and come to re-seal the hole in the closet. The management team asked, “What hole?”
She packed her things. The apartment management company didn’t raise a fuss about her breaking her lease mid-year, considering. Her parents paid to move her into another complex across town — one with a gate and a guardhouse.
7 days ago
Im pretty sure u’re just scared and overthinking this, this is most likely just the space between the pantry and your drywall. Is very common to have false walls in apts and cabinets happens all the time. The backing on the of the pantry was loose by ppl overfilling it. And the scariest thing you have there is that romex wire loose, pls have someone take care of it, if that wire is live and your cat touches it well its over. Handyman speaking
7 days ago
Maybe the previous tenants would just shove some shit back there? But I would definitely call someone to have a look, rather be safe than sorry
7 days ago
Fuck dat
7 days ago
You think whoever owns that apt. doesn’t know that exists?
Do not call your Apt. Manager, call your bf & your dad & tell them to bring some zip ties.
7 days ago
put a gopro on your cat and send her
7 days ago
I mean get to the bottom of it. I’d be so amped to find out what the heck is going on. And if it was my place ain’t NO sleeping until I know exactly the layout of a SECRET hallway in my place.
7 days ago
Can it be opened further or is that as far as it can open?
7 days ago
Could the cat be dragging the stuff back there on accidednt or purpose whne they climb back there? Sorry if this has been answered, I didn’t read more than 2 comments.
7 days ago
I would call the police. There have been stories of squatters living in attics, or crawl spaces.
7 days ago
Cat in the wall, eh? Okay, now you’re talking my language, I know this game…Alright, catch me up to speed here, whadda we got?
Your kitty is in the space- get her out. Then block it off with junk (groceries, boxes, whatever) to keep the cat from getting in there. Call a friend and explore your newfound extra storage room in the morning. Start by holding your phones camera in there and take a video to see what you can see. I would not tell LL or cops until I determine it is a threat or not with a friend present.
7 days ago
So anyway, I started blastin’
7 days ago
You call the leasing office and demand they come take a look and then have them clean up the garbage and screw in a plywood back to securely close up the opening.
You use words like, unsecured access to your living space, safety issue, and then ask if they can’t fix it should you call the police or your local code enforcement (or whatever city department oversees rentals) to have them see if there’s been some unlawful access to your apartment.
If they’re not giving you a response follow through with reporting them to the dept that oversees rentals in your city, and set up cameras to monitor the space.
For the record, you’re not being crazy. I know of someone that divorced their husband only to find out that he had created a small living space under the floor in their split level house. He was accessing the house and stealing from the ex (drugs are a crazy thing) through a panel he had cut out behind a piece of furniture. He had been doing it for months before she found the panel behind the couch.
7 days ago
OP: need updates on this!!
7 days ago
I wonder if the previous renter just threw a ton of garbage back there? Haha
7 days ago
I’m so amazed by americans. A teenage girl moves in alone in a literal horror movie apartment and posts stuff like “oh, that’s icky but i’m signed to live here till november”
girl i hope you get out of here as soon as possible and find some safe place to live
7 days ago
So, it sounds like maybe your paranoia is getting the best of you. Just because there is a little area connected to your pantry, does not mean some weirdo is in your walls. I also agree with other commenters that the stuff you see is from old tenants. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Maybe there IS someone in there watching you right now..
I wish I didn’t see this at 1am😭 this is scary. I honestly would leave for the night till I get it figured out
Fuuuuuck they’re playing apples to apples in your wall,,,,
F that I’d call the cops non emergency number say you found a hidden space in your apartment and are scared and want an officer to check it out. Given the hour I guarantee you 2 or more really big cops will show up with gloves on and investigate that in very quick time
Edit: should mention for anyone who needs to know this. I’m in the United States so your laws might be different. If you don’t know the non emergency number just call 911 and when they say what is your emergency say this is not an emergency they will assist you I promise. You are not breaking the law this is what the police are here for. However it is very important that you state it is not an emergency. An emergency is your or someone else’s life is in immediate danger a scary mystery hole doesn’t count. It is very important but legally speaking does not constitute an emergency
We need more pictures.
First thing, make sure to call your apt immediately and stay on it.
Next call boyfriend and have him come and have him buy a camera on way over.
Install camera facing this. When sleeping, lock your doors and set up motion alerts on your phone.
EDIT: (i barley know how to use reddit) In the morning i will investigate further, I not have that much of a death wish to do it at 1am as a female. (Some girls have no fear but i have a lot) I have sent an email to the front office.
Btw I do not have a gopro nor would i strap it to my child (my cat) to send her into the abyss
Another detail is that my apartments previous tenants left all of their belongings behind when they moved out and did so in a rush. I also have a few instances (about once a week) where crackheads come knocking on my door wanting to buy drugs, which would explain why the previous people left in a hurry if they were dealers/middle men for drugs
Doesn’t make it less creepy, but its not unheard of – there was some news story about something like this in… i think New York. Where holes behind mirrors led to other rooms or something insane.
I personally would be sleeping elsewhere tonight.
In the morning, get your apartment manager to go *with you* to figure this out. I wouldn’t trust them to not just say “it’s fine” and nail flimsy veneer over the gap.
If you think it’s a person in your closet, call the police
Eta: typos
Those things fell behind the panel from precious tenants storing stuff in the pantry.
See if you have any friends or family you can stay with until this is investigated properly. Take your cat too. This is terrifying and if someone’s crazy enough to live in your walls, you don’t know what else they’re crazy enough to do.
It’s hopefully nothing but treat it very much as something until you know for sure. Don’t take chances. Stay elsewhere if you can until you get answers or at least have someone stay with you (I say reluctantly).
But stay on it. And to be kind – keep us posted.
I gotta know – did your cat make it back okay? (Edit: Sorry, I just now read that you got her out. I was starting to speed read the first time, wanting to know more about this hallway, and must have skipped over that part.)
RemindMe! -2 days
Just to add another option- in my last apartment, the foot panels under my cabinets were lose and I also lost a cat in them (would have never noticed this otherwise). Once I got my cat out I shined a light in there and was horrified!!! Red Bull cans, trash, wrappers etc- this however was in a cabinet corner so there really wasn’t anywhere for anyone to go but the space was big- enough for someone to be in if they could squeeze inside. Turns out it was just a void spot of their cabinet design and all the contractors used it as a place to put their trash instead of having to throw it away in the final days of building the apartments. Could be a similar situation here, unless that gap leads to a hallway or something.
You better crawl back there during the day. It’s either left over things from previous tenant as other’s have said or the past tenants stashed those drugs behind there hence the crackheads coming over looking to buy drugs. It would make total sense.
what the hell new fear unlocked
Story time!!!!
One of my friends had a similar situation growing up in rural Australia— Mum lost her job and was home during the day, which was unusual for her, and heard strange noises coming from the roof. She thought a possum was up there. A pest guy came and lo and behold, a sleeping bag and an array of missing items from their home along with a note book of days and time when the family was/wasn’t home. When they asked the neighbours if they’d seen anyone hanging around they said “only your husband”……. She was a single Mum with only her two tween daughters. They never caught the guy!! Absolutely bizarre and scary, but no bad ever came from it.
Hopefully this is a similar situation and someone is just pinching food from your pantry, and nothing more sinister…. Hope you’re okay.
Yo this is actually crazy wtf. Front page material.
How do u know it’s a full on hallway, also have u noticed things missing before like food?
Can you stick your phone back there passed the panel and record with the flash on? Im curious
Curious to see how this turns out 😳
Well, I’m supposed to be moving into an apartment soon… And now I’m terrified. But advice, contact someone in charge, and I would go as far as the police.
This might just be a void space with lost stuff in it, like others are saying, but this shit does happen.
When we were in college, living in off-campus student apartments, a friend of mine came back to her apartment a few days into winter break to get something and noticed something odd. All of these apartments had a utility closet right by the front door on the patio for people to store outdoor items, and it looked like maintenance had come and cut a perfectly square small panel from the utility closet into her roommate’s bedroom.
It was especially odd that she was able to see this because all of the roommates (four girls) had locked their bedroom doors before leaving for the break, but now all four bedroom doors were open. A few things looked out of place in the living room, but my friend had been the first roommate to leave for break, so she wrote this off as the other roommates and figured the cut out panel was something building maintenance had done. She got what she came for, re-locked all the doors, and left.
Two weeks later, she was the first roommate to return to the apartment, and she could immediately see all the bedroom doors were open again. There were empty beer cans on the coffee table in the living room. The hole was still there in her roommate’s bedroom.
She immediately called the apartment management and asked when the maintenance team would be done with their work and come to re-seal the hole in the closet. The management team asked, “What hole?”
She packed her things. The apartment management company didn’t raise a fuss about her breaking her lease mid-year, considering. Her parents paid to move her into another complex across town — one with a gate and a guardhouse.
Im pretty sure u’re just scared and overthinking this, this is most likely just the space between the pantry and your drywall. Is very common to have false walls in apts and cabinets happens all the time. The backing on the of the pantry was loose by ppl overfilling it. And the scariest thing you have there is that romex wire loose, pls have someone take care of it, if that wire is live and your cat touches it well its over. Handyman speaking
Maybe the previous tenants would just shove some shit back there? But I would definitely call someone to have a look, rather be safe than sorry
Fuck dat
You think whoever owns that apt. doesn’t know that exists?
Do not call your Apt. Manager, call your bf & your dad & tell them to bring some zip ties.
put a gopro on your cat and send her
I mean get to the bottom of it. I’d be so amped to find out what the heck is going on. And if it was my place ain’t NO sleeping until I know exactly the layout of a SECRET hallway in my place.
Can it be opened further or is that as far as it can open?
Could the cat be dragging the stuff back there on accidednt or purpose whne they climb back there? Sorry if this has been answered, I didn’t read more than 2 comments.
I would call the police. There have been stories of squatters living in attics, or crawl spaces.
Cat in the wall, eh? Okay, now you’re talking my language, I know this game…Alright, catch me up to speed here, whadda we got?
God I love my solid brick walls
[He in there?](https://youtu.be/NN1OvlrHNhQ?si=o1crlvEVGEcudLpp)
Your kitty is in the space- get her out. Then block it off with junk (groceries, boxes, whatever) to keep the cat from getting in there. Call a friend and explore your newfound extra storage room in the morning. Start by holding your phones camera in there and take a video to see what you can see. I would not tell LL or cops until I determine it is a threat or not with a friend present.
So anyway, I started blastin’
You call the leasing office and demand they come take a look and then have them clean up the garbage and screw in a plywood back to securely close up the opening.
You use words like, unsecured access to your living space, safety issue, and then ask if they can’t fix it should you call the police or your local code enforcement (or whatever city department oversees rentals) to have them see if there’s been some unlawful access to your apartment.
If they’re not giving you a response follow through with reporting them to the dept that oversees rentals in your city, and set up cameras to monitor the space.
For the record, you’re not being crazy. I know of someone that divorced their husband only to find out that he had created a small living space under the floor in their split level house. He was accessing the house and stealing from the ex (drugs are a crazy thing) through a panel he had cut out behind a piece of furniture. He had been doing it for months before she found the panel behind the couch.
OP: need updates on this!!
I wonder if the previous renter just threw a ton of garbage back there? Haha
I’m so amazed by americans. A teenage girl moves in alone in a literal horror movie apartment and posts stuff like “oh, that’s icky but i’m signed to live here till november”
girl i hope you get out of here as soon as possible and find some safe place to live
So, it sounds like maybe your paranoia is getting the best of you. Just because there is a little area connected to your pantry, does not mean some weirdo is in your walls. I also agree with other commenters that the stuff you see is from old tenants. But hey, I’ve been wrong before. Maybe there IS someone in there watching you right now..