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Basically the plot of Idiocracy

Smart people have 1 or 2 kids, while idiots have 7-8 and can’t even afford them.

The worst people have always had the most kids

I live in a third world country. The poorest people who dont even have the resources to educate and bring up even a single child, have 10-12 kids average. These kids usually grow up to be religious extremists because we have a big network of charity run Islamic madrassahs that take children in. Im not against the madrassahs but the preachers and teachers there are the most vile human beings on earth. They sexually assault these children and mould their minds in such a way that they become thoughtless zombies that can be used by these “religious scholars” to do their bidding.

My lawyer has advised me not to state my solution for this problem.

Let me put your worries to rest. I’m an awful person and I don’t want kids

*Points to my extended family all having 4+ kids part time minimum wage jobs. Hassling anyone and everyone for money*

There are a few reasons I refuse to talk to them. This is one of the biggest ones.

natural selection favors traits that lead to successful reproduction. it’s blind and has no sense of morality, intelligence, aesthetics, or anything that we have come up to rationalize things after the fact. if it leads to breeding, it’s passed on more simply because it led to breeding.

On a positive note a lot of people grow up and want to be nothing like their parents.

It’s truly one of the saddest things about today’s world. People who care deeply about the wellbeing of hypothetical children. So much so, they won’t risk bringing them into this world. These people are exactly who should be raising the next generation.

Yeah… I can’t really afford having children comfortably so… Nope… Not having em. I’m not gonna slave away myself only for some idiotic sense of immortality through my children


Maybe if the superdemons werent rewarded with significantly higher earning potentials because of their lack of morals, good people would be the ones able to afford kids.

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” -William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming”

See I’m smart, the bloodline ends with me. No more superdemons

I thought I never wanted kids cause I can be quite selfish with my time and hobbies.. but I have to say my daughter is just under a year now and if you forget the horrible sleep pattern it’s been the best time of my life.. I think if you wait till you’re ready you’ll never have them.

And thus the cycle continues to pull us down into an amoral world.

He’s so close

Idiocracy wasn’t meant to be a documentary

Yeah my friends are in the midst of planning their first kid. In their 40s. While both of them live paycheck to paycheck. Theyre good people, just fucking stupid for having a kid they *know* they can’t afford. And they definitely planned this as they’re lesbians and had to go through IVF (which was paid for like 95% through one of their insurances at work). I just hate it when people have kids they know they will never be able to afford. It’s one of the most selfish fucking things you can do.

Reverse evolution

It’s the “Recipe for Idiocracy “

The actual world Idiocracy is getting more real than the actual film (2006). Useless dipshits supporting elite dipshits while getting b**f***. It hurts how many people seem to be completely out of their minds. It’s like mass low education of so many people tend to be highly misinformed/manipulated by those who harm them and other people BUT they’re not smart enough to understand simple common sense and they have some (major) deficit in compassion, empathy and other attributes avoiding to be solid/beneficial human beings. It’s a shame.

Intelligence is a fickle bitch.

My thing is id love to have more kids (have one, with an exwife who is an absolute great mom, poor partner), but i just don’t feel comfortable trusting others who can’t really take care of themselves.

To be fair, the fact the superdemons have 7 is definitely a factor into why I don’t want any/ Have a kid and try to teach it to be good while forcing them to go to school with a bunch of assholes? Waste of time

smart people are reading the room and not having kids. dumb people aren’t reading the room

next generation – best of luck

this is one of the biggest reasons why i, previously deciding i didn’t want kids, have changed my mind. the world needs more smart kids!

There is a documentary on this

I think an underrated cause of fewer people having kids is that even people who want there to be more kids won’t stop complaining about how lousy parenting is.

No one should have them.

And one guy in particular with 13 now. You’re not Tony Stark or Jesus Christ.

Yep, humanity is on the decline.

There are too many people and the assholes breed at a faster rate.

We have been socially engineered by the rich capital hoarders to tank the global average i.q so we are a more controllable base of consumers and laborers.
People with resources and education being fed propaganda to not have kids and live selfishly is very intentional. Suppressing parts of the world and controlling certain economies to incentivize high birth rate amongst poor uneducated people is the other side of the same plan. Dumb everyone down, destroy the middle class, stop people from being able to save money, own homes, and build inter-generational wealth. Make more desperate cheap laborers and a population less likely to be able to organize revolution.

People not having kids is a Reddit myth tbh. Rates may have declined, but the idea that no one is reproducing is anything but true

Source: about a decade out of college, and I’m one of the last people I know to *not* have a kid.

Rapid population increase is a fairly new fad, most of human history was pretty flat.

some of the best people i know can’t even get a date

Meanwhile Elon like a fucking factory at 14

I definitely feel this. I feel like I’ll never get to experience it. Yet, I see all these sorry ass people having them. It can be depressing as hell, but life is gonna life. I try hard not to get too hung up on it.

Let them inherit the earth

Same as it ever was.

You know how doing something difficult helps you find out something about yourself? Like long hikes or dedicated study or finishing an apprenticeship or quitting smoking? Raising kids is like that. A lot of people won’t find out who they are in life, they get to choose who they are but don’t get to find out who they actually are.

Argument: A good education solves every single problem that we have and could possibly imagine.

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