Trump threatens to acquire Canada, Greenland while next to NATO chief

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I know these visitors to the Oval Office are treading a very fine line. Primarily to avoid upsetting the big orange toddler. But with the rest of the world looking they really need to call out his idiocy. Otherwise we risk it being normalised. Which feels like a path to a dark place!

As it keeps getting worse, don’t believe for a moment that “it couldn’t get any worse”.

A question asked by Keith Olbermann today “If Trump was a foreign agent, would he do anything differently?”

Trump is talking like the annexation of Canada and Greenland is a done deal. WTF! I’m 61 and never in my life did I think the US government would do something this heinous. Is he trying to start and World War? A NATO war? Or a civil war?

I’m so fucking sick of the US gov.. as a Canadian, fuck them and everyone who supports this shit.

Edit: Wow, this is getting attention! I just wanted to say thank you to those who are commenting in support of us. I wrote that in a moment of frustration, and I appreciate the kind words.

Why does he say Greenland is far away land from Denmark when the US owns American Samoa and Guam?

This is what happens when you elect the worst person in your country.

I’m so damn sick of the United States.

Sending a lot of hate from Canada 👋

Dementia is a cruel disease and it affects everyone around the person who has it.

Clearly putin has told his vassal to destroy NATO.

Question, if US attacks first, does this mean all of NATO will attack us?

If he attacks Greenland – a NATO founder – we would have to defend them against us.

Hang on, “threatens to acquire” like it’s his decision whether he wants those countries or not? What a clown.

Canada is not for sale!

Elbows up!

[Sales for American products ‘rapidly dropping,’ says CEO of Sobeys parent company](

Everybody canadian save up your Styrofoam, gasoline and bottles

It must be like sitting next to a child


Fuck whomever chose the word “acquire” here. Fuck you, heartily.

“Acquire Canada”? What, with his 425 credit score?

Minnesotan here- if it comes to it, I’ll offer my couch to any Canadian solider who needs to bunk for the night.
I’ve got beta access to Siege X so we can take turns if you want.

Fuck this orange clown.

Can we just put Trump in a enclosed room and let him pretend that the floor are all the countries of the world and that he rules them all?

He will keep on making this shit up until he gets civil unrest at which point he can declare martial law and become a state approved dictator. That is his ultimate goal. How can you tell? Because that is what every dictator has done before him. So far he has followed the play book blow for blow and is set to succeed unless his own turn against him or he dies.

And Rutte laughs… Pathetic

He’s doing this so you focus on this bs and not the attacks to the judiciary

Why doesn’t someone invoke the 25th amendment. This guy is delusional.

Don the sex criminal proves once again how truly stupid he is.

How many seconds to midnight?

How’s that going to work when he’s slashing the DoD budget and its employees?

Someone needs to stop this bullshit, he is the most dangerous human since Hitler

Definition of a dumbass

He wore a suit so nothing else matters.

Why do foreign dignitaries take this thing seriously anymore?

I’ve never seen so many politicians faces with a look of what the fuck as when they meet with Trump

At this point I just want to watch Shigeru Ishiba meet with Trump in the Oval and watch him squirm to try to respond to Trump without saying no or not phrases (as Japanese are apt to do). I want to see what kind of clever responses come from Japanese culture to respond to a man that should only be told No.

Trump has the energy of that guy who keeps insisting you should date him, despite the fact that he makes you sick to your stomach.

Id love to know if Trump was/is aware that Greenland’s not as big as it looks on a map, and isn’t the nice one (vs Iceland) like want to imagine someone has explained (or tried to) this to him by now but I gotta believe he gottem confused at least once while blabbering about this crap

I’m old enough to remember when this kind of behavior would have brought calls for impeachment from both sides of the aisle.

Good for Germany, they are not the ones starting the next global conflict

This is like teaching kids that the bully always win.

“You think he’s playing 4D chess, but we were just trying to keep him from eating the pieces” a real quote from a DT aide LAST fucking time… Think he’s gotten smarter since?

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