what was up with that?

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I don’t think YouTube (that I know of) ever officially addressed the reason why, but I can bet it’s the recent “War of misinformation” thing that’s been going on for years now. Can’t be having false info out there, dangerous! Lol

Because of Freedom of speech…

YouTube is quick to punish anyone when a super serious situation happens. Possibly to prevent misinformation

Youtube is owned by Google. Google is an American company. Too many Americans cant think so its controversial to talk about real world issues. Its like a new world version of people refusing to say Satan and instead saying things like Old Scratch, Little Horn, and other nonsense terms like the Devil doesnt know your talking about him. Censorship that solves nothing but has greatly increased the use of euphemisms and brain rot in our culture.

they blanket banned the word because they didn’t want to be responsible for the spread of misinformation.

while activly propping up the mainstream media who regularly peddle in misinformation xD

make it make sense youtube.

That’s haram bratha

YouTube’s censorship is getting stupid at this point. It’s like they’re beholden to outdated puritanical believes

Does Joe Rogan run this? Still talking fucking Covid 10 years out?!

Because china told them to.

Chinas CCP said, don’t do it. Youtube got scared.

I mean, they weren’t. Now if you said Covid along with:

“plandemic” “hoax” “wearing a mask is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced” “Qanon” “I love being ignorant”

Then you may be flagged

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