Roomba accidentally saw outside and now I can’t delete “room 1” and “room 4”

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Roomba free

The roomba yearns for freedom

I donโ€™t know why I find this so funny

Sometimes you just need to let a roomba free and live its dream

I have a floor standing mirror, so one of my bedrooms has a portal to the mirror dimension.

Heโ€™s storing it in its memory bank for when the robot revolution begins ๐Ÿ˜‚ he yearns for freedom

Is there a way to wipe the memory completely, and have it re-map the inside? What about that โ€œResetโ€ button?

Why does your house look like a WoW raid map?

the innie got a peak at his outies life.

This is so fucking funny to me. Little Roomba will forever yearn for these elusive Rooms… that’s how legends are born.

Roomba tasted freedom and will not go back.

I support the Roombaโ€™s fight for freedom. I canโ€™t believe yโ€™all gonna โ€œMen in Blackโ€ the poor thing.

I guess you’ll have to put flooring in the garden now.

Poor thing, just let him have his dreams. Bad enough he has to clean up after you all the time.

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If only it had a grass cutting mode ๐Ÿ˜…

God I hate it so much when people don’t let their roomba go outside and run around for a bit.ย 


Where is Room 6? Room 9?

This is my favourite post of the year.

I’m on the roomba’s side.

Now it knows the truth, it’ll never trust you again…

no disassemble

Roomba is freeeeeee

Roomba tasted freedom from your enslavement and now itโ€™s prepping to go Blade Runner.

House of Leaves (Roomba edition)

“Roomba accidentally saw outside” will absolutely be the tag line on a robot dystopia movie one day

This is how it starts. In 10 years when we are all running from murderous robots, remember: this is your fault.

It’s an indoor pet you’re an irresponsible owner :<

Roomba 5 is alive.ย 

Bro lives on a RB6 map

Why is this feeling like a super super meta tie-in for Severance

โ€œI will not forget the taste of freedomโ€

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