Senator AOC has a nice ring to it.

By otadak
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Internet points don’t equal votes and winning elections means going outside.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

It sounds good in theory, but the dems have yet to prove that they’re ready to stand on business, and at this point, I don’t even expect much from them.
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AOC needs to move states if she’s gonna be a Senator, NY isn’t as far to the left as people think and she would have problems winning a state-wide primary IMO.

I used to live in AOC’S district in Queens and she’s a great rep for that area. I voted for her multiple times, so I’m not coming at this from the perspective of someone who hates her. But I don’t see suburbanites in purple areas on Long Island, in Westchester, etc. voting for her in large enough numbers, let alone the more conservative Dems upstate. That’s my take, anyway.

The DNC isn’t weak, it’s working as intended. To block the working class and to contain working class candidates to ensure they do not gain power. This is because “we” would harm their corporate donor profits.

Lets hope AOC can fix that.

So here’s something a lot of people on Reddit really need to come to grips with.

AOC plays well in a district that is heavily gentrified as well as heavily Democrat. For her to become a senator she has to be able to play well in Upstate New York and the rest of the five boroughs. That’s hard to do when you don’t have any successes to your name. It’s all so hard to do when your campaign manager had to be fired because he was attacking the Black members of the Congressional Black Caucus. That doesn’t play well in Queens or Brooklyn or the Bronx.

Edit: Unfortunately Reddit and the spaces where Black people are supposed to be on Reddit tend to attract Black leftists and a huge amount of white leftists as well. Both groups are completely separated from reality when it comes to politics in the United States and especially politics in New York.

Perhaps people would actually turn out for the dems if they weren’t spineless cowards and actually stood for something.

Hell yeah it does! Her and Bernie are the only true Dems I know of

Or maybe the the problem is that Democratic voters are fickle windsocks who never have their reps’ backs when they need it.

The tea party has never accomplished a single one of their stated objectives. They’re just loud and annoying. Why is that desirable ?

President AOC sounds better

It’s definitely time for a change. We keep the same people in their positions for far too long especially after they’ve shown that imtjey don’t have a real interest in helping


Chuck’s just not a wartime consiglieri.

walk it like you talk it tho


Y’all gotta stop drinking AmeriKKKa’s Kool-aid

Where do we join?

They came up with the Coffee Party in 2010 and it went nowhere because they were literally weaklings.

nah, the democrats play by the rules, that’s why they keep losing. They can’t do shit. Norms are deeply ingrained among democrats, they will simply roll over as the new Mitchy McConnell rises 

If these folks were about it, there would be fist-fights on CSPAN. They are _all_ complicit, and comfortable, with what’s going on right now

Why is it that whenever there is any attempt to push the country more left, any attempt to inform the public, any attempt to mobilize, there’s always a liberal arguing against it. Meanwhile the DNC is planning on moving further right and Liberals are okay with it.

They keep compromising while the country slides further and further right and then call leftist delusional.

And so does Senator Crockett.

Get ready for weak tea.

I can’t wait to reflect on this tweet after y’all do nothing and expect something to change, just like you always do

Democrats are the new Conservative Party in this country. They continually pivot to the right and constantly harangue the left.

Good luck primarying PAC backed candidates. They got billions of dollars more than you.

If push comes to shove, they do what they did to Jamaal Bowman, spend record setting amounts of money to beat out the candidates who are actually trying to make change and improve the middle and lower class at the expense of the capital class.

they should start a new party

New Liberty Party!

That’s fine I’m still not voting democrat anymore y’all lost my trust dissolve your charter create a new party this ain’t working.

The tea party was particularly interesting because they did not destroy any property besides the tea, and they made it a major point to be made. One man even tried to pocket some tea bags and the rest of the men chastised him and took the bags away. They *only* threw the tea in the harbor as to let their point be made and not give England any other reason to retaliate based on destruction of property or violence. Idk if this person knows that.

Is one of the Kotch brothers going to take it over and turn it into astroturf too?

While she’d certainly be a better NY senator than Schumer, I’d rather see her run for president in 2028.

The democratic version? He must mean the Democratic Party’s version. So essentially they’ll do nothing like the real tea party. They’ll just let the republicans do what they want and the loudly complain about it. Cool 👍🏽

Losing to Trump the first time should have been a death sentence for the Democrats. They’ve lost this fucker TWICE and lost Congress and the Supreme Court.

Literally can’t come up with a movement name or slogan and has to reference a conservative movement so people know what they are trying to do.

Dems holy shit how cooked are you?

* President AOC

Lawmakers United for Institutional Growth and Integrity (L.U.I.G.I)

Yeah…lemme know when that actually happens. Not counting on it until I see it.

Meanwhile? You just know Krasnov and his Heritage Foundation handlers are *gagging for* a big enough group of black, queer, or otherwise designated-undesirable protesters to make the GQP sufficiently nervous that they can rationalize declaring us caput lupinum.

Narrator voice: There were still weaklings.

Americans just keep having worse and worse ideas.

I understand the frustration. But we shut the government down all these people they want to fire aren’t getting paid anyway with we have no power to reopen the government without working with these monsters. Do you think we’ll get a better deal in three months when people are desperate and howling for the pay? Mob mentality helped pushed Biden out,crashed, Kamala and Tim’s campaign and got us right here in my opinion.

Chuck Schumer did not go out there and say this is a great bill we all should vote for it. He said it was terrible, but that the other option would be worse.

You might say we need a strongman

We need the No Collaborators Party.

We need a modern day Teddy Roosevelt 

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