He is totally illegal

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Honestly I wouldn’t care if they turned the Whitehouse into a Tesla dealership for four years.

Let them show their true colours

Anyone that doesn’t see any problem with the way this 🤡 president is acting is as delusional as he is and you deserve what you will get from his dishonest administration.

They did nothing when he hawked beans, so they’ll do nothing now.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Tesla was given and not bought by Trump for publicity stunt

Fucker was peddling beans from The Resolute desk last time.

Trump’s always had that oily used care saleman vibe to him, so this is pretty on-brand.

1.) This isn’t a comeback.

2.) Tesla sucks.

In his first term, Trump pitched repealing Obamacare in [the same way](https://youtu.be/KAbSaOOnB1s) that he advertised Trump Steaksâ„¢

I’d love to pick the mind of anyone buying a Tesla nowadays.

Why not Zoidberg?

What is this, opposite day? For the next 4 years?

It was ok to boycott bush light

If only democrats gave a fuck lol

Will they end up pressing charges for it?(in a few years)

Tbf, he didn’t sell it to him on the WH lawn. They did a photo shoot for the dog and pony show.

Conundrum: is something really illegal if there is no reasonable expectation that the crime will be punished?

As we discovered in the first term, unenforced laws (particularly ones without prescribed punishments, like violations of the emoluments clause) are suggestions with potential court proceedings but no weight of law. If it takes forever to litigate and the case is dropped once the person leaves office, was it anything more than an expensive inconvenience?

It’s worse now since the Trump v. United States ruling. Until there’s some legal sense of what “official acts” means, he’s going to do what he wants, and then if he’s feeling generous he will hand out pardons to his cabinet and staff when they leave so future administrations can’t be prosecute them for following his illegal orders.

By all means, continue to document this shit so we will know where to build the guardrails when the orange buttnugget shuffles off this mortal coil. Just be aware this isn’t remotely actionable, especially under this DOJ.

The same people that bitch about boycotting Tesla bc the spokesperson is a Nazi fuck are the same people that boycotted bud light bc the spokesperson was trans.

But Biden having jeeps on the white house lawn is totally legal?

It’s only illegal if it’s enforced. Maybe someday it will be.

I believe it, but what are the statutes it’s violating?

Eagerly awaiting the comeback

And yet once again there are NO FUCKING CONSEQUENCES.

Hawking cars on the White House lawn, who would have thought? Imagine the 1980’s bar bets you could be collecting from people who would have sworn things could never get this bad in D.C. Where will it end?


And this is only second month of his mandate

This isn’t a comeback

Biden jeep


Boycotting isn’t illegal but burning and vandalism is.

PResidents promoting American made products is nothing new.

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