Legal Team Funding…

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Seriously! The implications of this case are major. If Mahmoud is deported, then all greencard holders can no longer enjoy 1st amendment rights. They don’t have ANY evidence against him. All they know is that he is critical of Columbia University’s ties to Israel. That’s all, that’s litterally all they have.

Land of the Free, alright.

Defending the very foundation of the First Amendment… I could see some lawyers being interested. 

Wonder who funded Hulk Hogans legal team during the Gawker lawsuit?

Bros never heard of the ACLU?

My god, It’s like people can’t see that Trump is using this poor man to see if this is allowed to happen or not. Because if it is allowed, then this is Trumps “in” to go full stop with arresting/deporting anyone who doesn’t agree with him. Which is illegal and we just can’t let it happen. This man HAS to win this fight against Trump. In order for us to truly be “free”, we must ALL be free. If Trump is allowed to do this to one person, he will then go on to do it to everyone who dares to think differently than he does. Some people really gotta wake up. This is so important, and all these lawyers are justified!

50 cops to protect a car dealership beings no comment, but send 19 lawyers to protect human rights and suddenly Fashy Frank finds his keyboard.

This is a reminder that many do not know the difference between a visa and a green card.

I am glad the bastards kicked a frickin hornet’s nest this time.

If I were a legal beagle I’d want to help out pro-bono too.

I mean, those assholes in Skokie won the right to march as Nazis back in the day, so the law must also allow this guy the same rights to say, or demonstrate whatever disgusting opinion society wants to judge it as. It is not for one party, or one administration, or one fat orange crook to decide – who gets to say what – about anything.

…unless of course, you are in a sub with rules or something.

Boy, I can’t wait for the Law&Order episode based on this case, where the DA makes an impassioned closing argument against free speech.

If you’re a Republican, but over the years have systematically replaced all your positions with that of the Nazi party, at what point are you no longer considered a Republican, but a Nazi?

So if they are deporting people for criticizing an ally, they’ll punish Trump for threatening Canada, right..? 

Money-goons can’t understand things that don’t require money. Flush ’em with the turds they emulate.

Trying to teach the concept of “free” to the kind of people who sell water and who would put the very air you breathe behind a paywall if they could is an exercise of futility and frustration.

A fuck ton of people have no idea how cases like this not only set a precedent but a foundation for similar cases moving forward.

This is huge

I’ll donate so I’m the one

If I was a fantastic constitutional lawyer and saw some shit bag I ran circles around representing him I’d pay that guy to get off his legal team.

This is the damn of our constitution breaking and releasing a deluge of authoritarianism’s into our country.

“I would rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want.”

Bruh can’t have a legal team of his own? The fuck who cares who is paying for it? Doesn’t matter if it’s ISIS, he can have a lawyer from whoever he wants?

He wants to hear Soros and Clinton so bad there’s a little drop of pre in his panties.

I’m genuinely out of the loop here… (In Canada)

I haven’t seen or heard this reported here at all… Is this a big case in the US?

Every single lawyer on earth is salivating at the thought of toppling trump right now.

My wife’s a 2L. She’d amputate something to be allowed to go on coffee runs for this case.

Lol, only rich people can have adequate defense brokies…duh

Yeah, if I was a highly skilled civil rights attorney I’d be doing all I could to be on the case to defend him.

The majority of the team is aclu

It’s always about money with these fucking psychos

People like you and me are funding it! I donated to his defense team –

Because there are at least 19 lawyers in the country who think “Saving the first amendment” is a better use of their time than helping another rich asshole get off of DUI or sexual harassment charges

For Zionists everything is transactional so they project that fault onto their opponents 

Yeah not like he’s literally a political prisoner or anything…

I remember when I was a kid I was shocked that some lawyer was offering to represent Bin Laden for free. I was shocked like why? How? My dad was like “do you realize how famous whoever gets that job will be? He’ll never have to work again. He can just write a book and retire”


The real question is why does people need expensive lawyers for basic civil rights?

I donated to his legal fund, so here’s one person at least.

So Reddit is just redefining “clever” to mean “gullible?”

“Congress shall make no law inhibiting free speech” (and none were)

So we’ve established he didn’t break any law. Why is he being detained? This is the most “in your face” direct violation of the first amendment in my time on this earth.

Lawyers are doing it for publicity, they know this case will be huge

This is one of the most important civil rights cases ever?

Don’t they support terrorists? So they can get their shit revoked immediately? It’s literally in the rules. Do you guys just spit out words irl without looking into the shit as well?

I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Older people (especially White older males) never had to learn anything other than their profession. Today’s generation is 100X smarter than 90% of the generation predating Boomers. They thrived knowing about cherry trees and sove pipe hats then went on to earn enough to validate their stupid luck. You can’t convince any of them they are actually failures in society by the way they behave and believe. Ask any of them anything regarding civics, government or society, and its all media propaganda and back country anecdotes.

Fuck him deport him

Kamala Harris has made zero mention of Mahmoud Khalid’s plight. That’s because Kamala would’ve deported him just the same. Sooner or later, liberals are going to have so start noticing right?

Just make sure to keep voting for one of the two AIPAC aligned political parties in this country, Israel is our great ally after all. Democracy, freedom, yaddayadda.

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