This is the face of a man who sold out his constituents because he is a coward.

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Fuck Dick Durbin. All my homies hate Dick Durbin.

Another collaborator for the list.

Do us all a favor and resign. Let JB appoint a replacement who wonโ€™t shit his pants when heโ€™s needed most

Furious with this POS right now. Huge betrayal.

This guy was one of my heros.

Being spineless against tRump is NOT what I want.

I have to vote him out. I will not stand for this.

Why do you think heโ€™s called DICK

So disappointed in the old white dudes in the senate.

Dick Durbin first became the Democrat senate whip in 2004. He has been the whip for the same amount of time as I have been on this planet.

We need new faces.

Not even the guts to face his constituents.

The poster child for term limits

Durbin has never met a challenge he didn’t run from


I’m not from Illinois, but fuck this guy. Dick Durbin is the prime example of why modern “liberalism” doesn’t work. Mother fucker will die EXTREMELY rich, by the way.

It’s about time we SAY THESE THINGS OUT LOUD and shine some light on these shameless cowards!!

Scumbag loser. Makes me ashamed to have ever voted for him.


What did he do?

He’s a star player for the Washington General’s basketball team ๐Ÿ€ ๐Ÿ€ ๐Ÿ€

Goodbye traitor.

Not even the guts to face his constituents.

Dickless Durbin is a traitor

Letโ€™s all send his office heart-warming letters

What about his constituents that are reliant on federal funding?

Go ahead, Dick Durbin run for the Senate again.

Traitorous piece of garbage. He doesn’t deserve a moment’s peace for the rest of his days.

What an embarrassment of a senator to the land of Lincoln

Fuck him, he must be primaried.

Shame shame shame shame ๐Ÿ””

Fuck you Durbin.

You mean the feckless simp Robert Durbin who abandoned his sworn obligation to the United States and his constituents? It is in fact, the feckless simp and proven coward Robert durbin.

What a DICK!!!

He didnโ€™t just sell himself out. All of his fellow democrats stood by his side. Hacks.

MAGA Patsy

Is it just me or does he kinda look like Frank Underwood/Kevin Spacey in that photo?

No Ball Fuck Face!! Full MAGA

Send him 4 white feathers ๐Ÿชถ or more. It is supposed to represent cowardice. Was a movie.

His entire political career is an exercise in cowardice. He bends over for GOPers every chance he gets.

I canโ€™t tell all the old rich white people apart nowadays.


Why haven’t we primaried him yet? The people will remember this, and primary the shit out of him in 2026. Hell, let’s band together with those across the aisle who are starting to see the light, and primary the Republicans, too. If the GOP are going to get primaried, at least let it be by a candidate chosen by the people, not Trump and his fellow Oligarchs! โœŠ๐Ÿผ

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