Fr tho why?

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Because cannibalism is unsanitary.

Because zombies eat brains, and other zombies dont have brains you fool.

Same reason why they wouldnt eat you

Zombies are literally just viruses in a big and succesful host. Your job as a virus is to spread to healthy hosts, not already infected hosts.

ghouls eat other ghouls in Tokyo Ghoul so kinda…

In World War Z zombies are more like wild rabid animals and similiar to animals they tend to avoid sick preys to avoid getting sick and prefer healthy preys. Since zombies are sick they avoid eachother. SPOILERS about the finale of the movie: Zombies not only avoid other zombies for being sick but sick humans aswell. Main character exploits it and gets himself sick with pathogens to become invisible to the zombies then they give this stuff to everyone so everyone can become invisible to zombies

World war z built upon this

They had the bro-code in-between them.

Let’s be real, sharks sometimes eat another shark but other spiecies. For 2011 there was 2 documented canibalism in sharks – both sharks was ill. So if we see zombies as animals, they probably don’t and won’t attack each other. However l4d made something like boomer acid that cause zombies go berserk even against own kind. So summarizing it zombies aren’t real and I am gay.

Tainted meat!

The parasite wants to perpetuate.

Dude’s expression is priceless.

Z Nation explained this they will eventually when the human population is too low they will eat each other

If its biological, they probably take scent into consideration. If less scientific then basically any explaination ought to do

Idk, ask Dr.Zomboss

Zombies senses can only get heightened up to fresh human blood, zombies carry rotten blood so thats why so many people in movies tend to first cover themselves in zombie blood before moving through a crowd or something.

Realistically maggots gonna eats those zombies like no tomorrow

Hilariously Marvel comics, of all sources, answered this: they tried it. They don’t taste good.

Source: Marvel Zombies

This is actually touched on in the show Z Nation, human populations have plummeted so low that the zombies have no food and have resorted to zombie on zombie violence in an episode, although it was only one time and it was a zombie boulder.

Because they’re not real, you loon.

Well realistically the instant immune system goes down the zombies just get eaten by bacteria

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