Not sure which toilet to use

By coro96
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Left is for going #2, right is for going #3.

Literally what the fuck is this 


2 Balls + Penar = 3?

Vagina + Butt = 2?

Best guess

One is for iPhone 16 and the other is for iPhone 16 Pro

Number of holes? Horrible, but I imagine the 2 is male, 3 female?

I can come up with ideas for both ways

The two circles are balls, and the three circles are a head and boobs. Still, I agree it’s a horrible design.

Two breasts versus three breasts, obviously.

three is for the aliens with three eyes. you should take the left one.

But it looks like you’re already in the restroom as I see faucets to the right. Are those stall numbers? Is there a door with a single circle?

Best one in a while OP.

So where’s the door with five circles? Asking for an Olympian friend.

I’d go for the one with a door handle, but that’s just me.

Tell me you don’t know about the three shells without telling me you don’t know about the three shells

and possibly the two shells…

(edit: SEAshells)

Maybe it’s how the stalls are numbered and we’re just seeing stalls 2 and 3.

I’d open both and looks what kind of toilets i find

2 = boobs
3 = frank and beans

The one on the right is for Nurgle worshippers.

My gender is infinite. I choose left.

um just pick one and do your thing?


Boobs vs two balls and a weiner.

That would be my cue to just randomly select one. If I (a man) end up in a women’s restroom, not my fault.

Just pee. Never mind who is inside.

You got 2 holes or 3?

Seek the urinals

Oh god I hate this. Is it holes because men have two holes *down there*, and women have three?? Why does anyone have to be thinking that obscurely when they’re about to take a piss or shit???

You pick the one on the left if you’re gonna take forever. You pick the one on the right if you’re planning on reading The Wheel of Time. Either way, you’re not coming back out soon.

The 2 circles – balls? The 3 circles – boobs, with a head on top of them? Or vice versa, boobs, and balls with a pennis? Is it too bad that i have no fuckin idea?

well how many balls do you have???

2 rolls of toilet paper v 3 rolls of toilet paper? So it’s more a matter of how serious your business? My best guess, but I think it’s a bad one.

Well, do you have two balls or three?

this is how you get someone to shit in your stupid flat sink instead of figuring out.

One has two shells, one has three.

One is for regular hookups and the other for threesomes? I have no idea, I just know that it’s stupid.

I think that they are supposed to be unisex, and the top circle just fell off the one on the left.

Why does it matter. The toilet doesn’t care about your equipment

I’d like to point out that the toilet works the same in either room.
Who cares?
One might be messier than the other one.
I’m so over these bathroom politics!

Men finding out women have three holes in the comment section in real time

For salt and pepper shakers the one with less holes is the pepper and the one with more holes is the salt so using that logic you should

Hold your pee and wait till you get home I guess

It’s number of holes. 2 guys, 3 girls.


Grandfather Nurgle only blesses one door!

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