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I feel this in my bones. In my genitals. In my soul.

This actually happened to me.

Good friend of mine from Germany. He did all of my thumbnails, stickers & emotes.

One day he just didn’t get back online. Found out a month later he passed away.

Fuck long distance relationships, when they die all you have is “offline”
No funeral, nobody to cry with. Just fucking LOSS.

I should just delete this.

Love you Cuprixx

Edit: won’t delete. Only actual IRL anime I have ever seen on here.

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I hate it when my homie >!becomes the door that seals away an evil god!<

Years ago, when I was in my early 20s, I met a friend online through gaming. He was just a kid, 14 years old, but he was a cool guy. At the time, he was undergoing cancer treatment, and we were working on building a website together. One day, he told me he needed a break because the treatment left him exhausted; he could barely stay awake. He promised he’d come back to see the site finished once he felt better.

After that, he started logging on less and less, then disappeared completely. Since he’d been in the late stages of treatment, I tried not to worry. Months passed with no word. Eventually, I joined Facebook (this was before it became the giant it is today) and searched for him. I found his profile covered in “RIP” messages. I reached out to his mom and learned the truth: He’d finished chemotherapy but caught a lung infection shortly after.

Ryan, I miss you every day. I often wonder what incredible things you would’ve achieved. I don’t even have our old MSN Messenger chats to look back on, they’re lost forever.

The story doesn’t end there. After Ryan’s passing, I grew close to his mom on Facebook. We’d message each other regularly to check in. One day, she posted about struggling to refill her medication and having a stressful day, nothing out of the ordinary. Her last message was a reply to someone saying, “I’m fine.” The next morning, I woke up to news that she’d passed away in her sleep due to low blood sugar.

Sally, I miss you. If there is an afterlife, I hope the two of you are happy together.

That one online friend you bonded with
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Booting up the 360 after years of collecting dust, seeing the profiles…

You monster 

Wow. Right in the damn heart. Freaking P3 man.

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yep I have a friend like this who I know died

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The fact that this is a canon event every online gamer has to go through at some point..
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“Yo, where’s the irl?!”

*The anime when it’s IRL:*

Door-kun is forever in our heart
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2236 days. Man. Please. Please. Be ok. Just ok. At least. Please.

I had an online friend for like 5 years? One day they stopped contacting/responding to me.

Sad thing is that it’s their choice, considering he does a podcast and it’s still on going so it’s not like he died.

How do you mourn a friendship?

Chiyo Mihama all grown up

I had a spanish friend who out of nowhere unfriended me andI never heard from again. Still miss them.

Why does everyone put XX in their usernames? I just found it kinda weird

She’s still wearing her school outfit at home

IRL hit a bit too close to home, can we go back to horny posting 😭

RIP M4k0t0 Yuk1

How didn’t she agreed?

Nobody just goes off-line for 12 years especially not after saying see you tomorrow and then just never giving you any updates. I hate to tell you, but whoever you are, they are dead.

I can see someone disappearing for three or four years because it turns out they were in the military or something, and had to go on tour for a long time or something. I can even see someone going off-line in terms of video games like Xbox for a very long time because maybe they switch systems.

But discord is an app that is accessible from damn near every electronic device in the world. And Steam is an app that is accessible on every computer in the world. You could access it from your local library for free if your stuff suddenly crashed. So if someone suddenly goes AFK for 12 years…. Sorry, but they’re dead. They either logged off and got hit by a car the very next day or had a heart attack or something else. they’re gone. Rip

This hurt…

Ah lol I don’t play online haha can’t relate. But I get it.

Reach out to your friends. It’s never too late. You’ll know you at least tried. I did recently and it went well

Teach aged nothing in 12 years

Seriously, I wanted a immediate reaction from the social links from the MC deaths.

I wonder if any of my old gaming friends miss me, I miss them sometimes

I don’t cry because it is over, I just smile and hope for the best for them… wherever they may be

You never know when the last time your or your friend might sign in 

I feel that. Except in my case it’s my friend who died six years ago

Meet an in-game buddy. Haven’t seen him for awhile then noticed his cryptic discord profile message. Then learned later he unalived himself. I can’t help but look at his offline profile from time to time.

Here’s to you creamsodaboy! Wonder if you still live on a random island in Newfoundland or found a way off! Enjoyed working on RPG ideas with you back in the early 00s

I hate this

Yep. A member of my dnd party disappeared Part way through a campaign. I was sad to see phantom foot (the character) disappear from out adventure, but we were all pretty concerned about the player Riv. It’s been close to a year and she still hasn’t been online. Hope she’s okay.

Why does it say several when we know it was exactly 12 years later

Several years later he was last online 12 years ago?

I have a friend on my xbox list who…”self deleted” years on years ago.

Removing him from my friends list seems like it be the same as him dying all over again.

Stupid sentiment I know but its how it feels.

RIP Tyler

Mokoto has decided to main a different social link.

This is persona right😅(am i tripping?)

Why do you attack me?

Why is she wearing a buisness suit whilep laying games…

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