Loblaws removing all of their American alcohol from their shelves.

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Please tell me the owner’s name is Bob and that he has a law blog.

I feel supported by the Canadian people.  They’re doing a better job fighting this stupidity than us American are.  

I <3 Bob loblaw’s law blog

Sally Sitwell thoroughly approves

Man oh man.

When RobLaws is doing it, you know it’s bad.

It will be funny if they stock up Tequila and unite with Mexico

Citizens of Canada, we Stand with You

Good let’s bring in alcohol from the eu like France and Germany to replace the American alcohol we don’t need it

Hell yea

Trump is a Russian asset. He’s undermining America. And doing it flawlessly

This is the way. It hurts the red states more than the blue ones

Sane guy from a red state and I am all for this. Keep it up, Canada!

Where I live the liquor stores are all selling until depleted. Every one I’ve been in has PBR and Old Mil stacked to the ceiling on fire sale.

About time


Tariffs are a serious subject of discussion, but when it comes to booze, when a drinker goes to the liquor warehouse and they no longer have their favorite brand, drinkers will get their next favorite brand.

I see pics like these in liquor stores, but does this happen anywhere else? Clothing shops, electronics shops, or grocery stores?

Gawd dang Canada don’t F around. Course we already knew that but still!

I stanada with Canada.

Christ, we’re really doing it, huh? Can you guys like not do the whole checklist thing on Michigan? A lot of us are with… sanity I guess. We are defaulted to be on your ass.

Love to see it!

Bc liquor did the same. Complete wipe off the shelves.

I’m surprised how big the alcohol section is in your part of the country. In Quebec, Maxi (the Loblaw equivalent same owner) has like… maybe something the size of the end shelves. Was there any beer in there ?

This is petty and I’m 100 percent for it

Man we really need to get rid of gerrymandering

Good, I love America and in its current state its not America anymore.

As an American, thank you Canada. If this is what people voted for, let it hurt. Get me outta here

I’m American. We support this protest.

I am curious – are they sending is back and getting refunds. Because otherwise its already inventory and should be sold.

Oh no. It’s all that free speech that America keeps bitching about when it means people can disagree with you.


As an American i say… good we deserve it

What are Canadians going to drink now??

So that’s where Loblaws went. I’m 50 and we had a couple probably 35+ years ago

Cool, now someone tell my local, privately-owned BC liquor store to do the same. ‘Cause they aren’t.

I thought you guys were boycotting loblaws?

Thanks to Trump. We now have a Russia Ukraine type relationship. Makes sense because he’s a Putin wannabe.

I’ve never not once heard of LowBalls

lol suck it

Lob ster Craw?

That’s the better way to do it, don’t put extra tariff on them. Just send them back to trump.


Yep, I heard. Read about it on Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog.

That’s awesome. So what do they do with it?

This looks like the one by me (yeah, I know they tend to look the same). I went there yesterday for the first time in months to pick up a bottle of wine and the store looked completely different. So many empty shelves where American alcohol used to be.

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