He might need epidurals after that

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What’s the insult?

There’s no insult

Well. Your mom didn’t lie. For her, it was the easiest physical birth due to the fact somebody else did it for her🤷🏼‍♂️🤣

Yeah I’m not sure if this is an insult

Why do the mods of this sub let this fly? It’s not an insult, nor is it particularly rare.

Well, she was technically telling the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️

why the fuck would you wait to tell a kid their adopted? I’d cut contact with the bitch if she did that to me since she lied to me my whole life.

this is the ultimate plot twist. mom wasn’t even lying, just dropping a truth bomb decades later. best part? technically still the easiest birth, zero labor involved.

I remember my moms first husband told me at five years old when I asked where my moms’ wiener was, that my mom’s wiener fell off and we had to go get it back 😅

Was told I had to have a nap before my birthday party started… woke up and was told that I missed the party

Plot Twist:

There was no party

I was 3 years old

The craziest lie I was told as a child? That swallowing gum would make it stay in my stomach for 7 years. Meanwhile, I’ve seen tacos disappear from my system in under an hour. 🤔😂

Where’s the insult!?

That’s a strange thing to be proud of.

Where’s the lie ? 😂

It gets an aye carumba from me

What is this title? You don’t get multiple epidurals at once, and I doubt his pain is only in his lower half.


She might very well he right, she didn’t give birth to you so she doesn’t know, but it might’ve been really easy for your biological mom

could still technically be true…

18!? That’s a long time to wait to tell your kid!

What I told you is true, from a certain point of view.

What a way to scar your child…oh wait…

a) why would you be proud of that?

b) technically still true


That the menu at McDonalds said they were all out of Coke.


That the “lumpy-bumpies” was like the flu.

Lumpy-bumpies is what they called moms cancer.

No wonder nobody at school knew what the hell I was talking about..my lumpy mother.

There were a lot of nasty ones, but the simplest one I remember is the old

How much money do you have ? Oh really that’s exactly what this costs you’re so lucky

Unfortunately it was my father and it was his way of stealing my birthday money.

That’s nice, she didnt even birth you so didnt have to take you on as her responsibility! YOU WERE THE CHOSE ONE !

“Your mom didn’t rape you with a broomstick”


Yeah man but she chose you!

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