Are they jealous or something?

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I’ve never understood homophones

Like there’s like a million different noises, go pick a different one

There are very few things more gay then a man being invested in what two men do in the privacy of their bedroom. As far as I am concerned, gay couples are the best. More women for the rest of us.


It’s because they never get theirs sucked.

Sometimes its because they’re in the closet themselves and seeing other people indulge in the things they can’t pisses them off.

Sometimes its a religious thing.

But for me, so long as its consentual, legal and with no coercion, abuse or intimidation stuff that happens behind closed doors is one’s own business.

Literally no one cares. Just keep it you n yours. No need to broadcast.

Because the indoctrination they were subjected to as a child has brain washed them into being so disgusted by it they feel compelled to act. Don’t be mad at them be mad at their parents and the religions

Dude I ain’t gay but I do like sucking dick.

isn’t it a fear, not hatred is how i understand the word.

like i have arachnophobia and i don’t hate spiders but if i come home and see a couple in my house, thats gg its there house now ill go sleep in the dog house.

so maybe they scared of being D Downed or something

People dont have any Problems with you, they have a Problem with People forcing their BS on others.

Suck dick all you want .. I dgaf what you do as long as it doesn’t involve me

Because other homophobes have pushed the belief that LGBTQ+ people are pedophiles even though it’s false…

More like it’s no ones business what you do in between your sheets.. keep it to yourselves fruits.

Yah I’ll argue they truly are jealous. It’s sad most of them are around a very Christian family. They fear being found out and chose to live a lie. Then they see others happily being open about their love. It angers them and if they can’t be happy why should others.

They jealous

God says no!

No one cares

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