In 2017 Dr. Paul Locus was attending a Halloween party dressed as the Joker when he was urgently called to deliver a baby. Despite the costume he rushed to the hospital

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This actually looks like a scene that would come out in a batman movie

*Wanna know where I got these scars?*

(C-section accident)


That kid grows up with the most badass origin story of how the Joker brought him to this world

After delivering the baby, Dr. Locus proceeded to blow up the hospital, declaring “some people just want to watch the world burn”.

It’s not about delivering a baby, it’s about sending a message 🤡

Imagine that’s the first thing you see when you come out?


And that kids, is why your Dad drinks every day.

Wouldn’t he cover his hair or something before delivering a baby??

Let’s put a smile on that face 💀

Why so serious?!

I hope the parents thought that was awesome.

Man babies sure come out looking all messed up huh

Nice of the baby to cosplay too

Baby is more scary than him tbh.

Want to see a magic trick?

Wanna know where I got this baby?

“Having babies is like gravity, all it needs is a little push!”


Nurse: Cervical dilation 4 inches!

Doc: Here. We. Go.

I thought this was a deleted scene

This is pretty awesome but also I would freak the fuck out if that’s my doctor delivering my baby

Is this a human baby face?

And then he blew up the hospital

*baby starts crying* “hey kid, why so serious?”

“why so serious” as he slapped the baby’s butt.
Idk do doctors still slap the baby to make them cry?

Imagine being a baby delivered by Joker

This fall on CBS “Joker OBGYN”

That kid is going to laugh so hard at this when he grows up. Great origin story.

Baby better be named Bruce.

The day a villain was born..

“I’m the Joker, baby”


That would be a billion question asker for anyone ever looking at this person’s baby album. No one can top this.

That baby was a joke delivered by the Joker

*This hospital deserves a better class of doctors. And I’m gonna give it to them.*

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