…And I took that personally

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That’s a long name for a chess piece

So that’s your move? I counter with

“Fuck your atheist gay race communism” to e4

Why are people flaming chess.com bro. ITS JUST ENGAGEMENT BAIT!!!!

In Russian it’s called the Elephant

In German it’s Läufer = Wanderer/Walker

In spanish its called **Alfil**, and I ha NO idea what it mean.

Now i searched and aparently commes from the árab *elephant*.

I love reddit, you learn something new every day

Sounds like someone has a thing for bishops.

In french, it’s called the jester.


Why change the name? “Sniper” already fits perfectly.



Someone needs to calm down lol.

It has different names all over so it doesn’t ultimately matter.

And since the game was invented in India and most Indian related languages and arabic languages all call it the elephant, then techincally it should just be called the elephant by everyone.

“Beat the Bishop” is an old time slang for masturbation. Not sure it’ll have the same resonance if they change the name.

The seal

Politician. Can’t move straight, but does the same job of mass control that the church does.

But it wasn’t named bishop when chess was invented though…

Why did you take it personally? It’s an idiotic request. You have to realize that the shape of the piece is based on a Roman Catholic bishop’s mitre (headdress). If you don’t know that you have no business playing chess.

I mean technically it was elephant right from the start, someone changed it to bishop… probably a commie.


Bro took it personal

Fullshop. Only if you have both of them on the board


Rook is now “90”

Queen = “Yes”

King = “Yes but only 1”

Knight = “L”

Pawn = “1Up”

That is a lot of F U

Take the hate speech meme somewhere else AH

I am *astonished* that he didn’t include the word “woke” in that word salad.

How about “Pedo”? Easier to say and functionally pretty much the same thing. Keep it away from the pawns until they grow up into queens at least though.

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