Best thing I read today

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Trust me your wallet would still be empty just for different reasons 😅

Real except u can absolutely have a clean home with a pet..

As a fur parent, this really hit me hard. I had been living alone in my apartment for years until a friend suggested I get a pet companion, and since then, I’ve never felt lonely again. ❤️

This makes me miss my dog 🙁

our pets fill our hearts in ways nothing else can ❤️

the house can be cleaned and the money can be earned. the love can’t be fulfilled that easily.

Too right! My pets give me unconditional love

Can confirm. There is no more hair on my floor, and my wallet hasn’t been hit by a triple digit vet bill in months.

I miss her so much.

Totally agreed! I don’t see the point in life without pets 🥹

Ha, this is how I feel about my kids.

Totally relatable!!!

Some of the truest shit I ever heard…

True statement

Just got a 3-6 month prognosis two days ago for the ridiculously friendly rottie/chow mix we’ve had since 2012 (toss-up whether the heart disease or metastatic lung cancer will get him first) so this is hitting hard. Thanks, OP. ❤️

My sweet girl has cancer and this one hit hard.

Can’t wait for r / pet free to get really really angry

Excuse me while I go and pester my dogs because they need to know how much I love them.

If you replaced pets with kids it’s also true.


Well, as to whether your wallet will be empty or not, that depends on whether you have other responsibilities or addictions.

I vacuumed half a trash bag of dog hair out of my carpet today.

🤔Is it Opposite Day🤷‍♀️🤭 but I do ❤️ my pets…now go fill my wallet 🤣🤣🤣

This sounds like something we should read as often as possible.


Soo true

I’m there his whole life and he’s only there for a part of mine ❤️

I have kids and pets. My house is never clean nor do I have money. Teens are so much more expensive than cats.

Well put!

“Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?”

The word “pets” and “children” are interchangeable in this post.

Pets are family after all!

If I have to empty my wallet to save a pet, I would just get a new pet

Most would just say Kids instead of pets.

My sweet boy is gone now. Our house isn’t a home. It’s a place. My family feels gone. I loved him so very mush. It’s been three years. I could never get another and feel this pain ever again. I never spent more than four hours a week away from in in over twelve years.

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My lungs would be healthier… cough cough, dusty birds

“What good is your purse if you’re poor in your heart?” -J.P. Morgan, *Epic Rap Battles of History*

Get pet insurance and your wallet won’t be empty.

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