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This is kind of true. Depends on who you’re with.

Don’t EVER discuss a quality book or event that changed your life with another living soul ✨️ 😌💀

Smart people are not given any respect but are expected to have all the solutions and take all the blame if their ideas don’t work (no one else thought of anything).

I have an as advanced degree but I don’t act like it because there’s no social benefit. Regular people think you’re snooty and other academics just want to bicker about pedantic stuff.

Yeah, I figured this out a while back. I used to be the employee who would do everything plus things outside of the job description. Meanwhile, I had a lot of “incompetent” coworkers who could barely do the bare minimum to keep their job. The thing is, these people generally made more money than me, but also seemed to not get any consequences for being bad at their job, as well as a lighter workload. I used to think I was surrounded by idiots and had to pick up their slack. But I was indeed the idiot for showing competence and doing extra work for no increased pay.

I’m do it sometimes bc I’m too lazy to explain anything.

Act like a superhero. Hide your powers. Only reveal your powers amongst other superheroes.

> Funny thing about being smart is that you can get through most of life without ever having to do any work.

– Jeff Winger

The level beyond that is reclusiveness, utter loneliness, seeing too many patterns & trends, and being able to connect-the-dots so well…that your everyday life feels like you are watching raw code in The Matrix. You arrive at this level because the pretending got too difficult and laborious.

Back to bliss like the other idiots. Its lonely

this is literally just the socrates strategy

I’m curious when and why it became a negative to be intelligent. So many in this country think that because we have a strong military that it’s ok to be stupid. Every year this country falls further and further behind the rest of the world in education. Now we have a President who not only endorses this idea, but personifies it. Knowledge is power. Being stupid and having a gun, isn’t the same thing.

every day at work. what a level up it’s been

In pool (billiards) is called sand bagging.

On 1 or 2 things. Pretty sure 90% of people that say they can’t cook just don’t want to, but if you can’t cook, can’t do dishes, can’t clean then you’re just kinda being a freeloading dick and not being smart.

To avoid unnecessary argument especially when you’re dealing with a ITK co worker


This needs to be taken down, as it’s blowing my cover.

Or you have to change your vocabulary based on who you are hanging out with so they will understand you lol

This is literally just the socrates strategy

At this point I think I have been playing the dumb role for long enough that my brain actually slowly starts to believe in the act itself. Either that or I’m getting old.
Aw shit.


Probably want to pretend to know some stuff at work though for growth opportunities and such

yes, and they won’t always rely on you.

Is that similar to the devil’s best trick is making people think he isn’t real???

This is the way.

I was not aware I’m at final boss level of intelligence lol


To be smart is to want to know, to learn and learn and help others learn.
Imagine how much life would suck if you knew everything

This is rock solid truth

Work smarter, not harder.
Working too hard will only lead you to way too much work. Gotta be quiet when it matters, especially for yourself.

Lol, that’s only the beginning of the journey

Holy shit I thought I was the only one unfortunately they know but I’m 50 and tired so now I play seanile

Sadly accurate.

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