Regarded institutions shouldn’t bowing to him!

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“Right Woke.” I hope this sticks.

The right says universities are indoctrinating their students, but wants them to kick students out for having the ‘wrong’ beliefs?

so they refund students monies, right?

As dark as this shit gets, just keep in mind, it is only going to get darker than that, University degrees aren’t the only things this government is going to revoke.

Hopefully a university with a clue will give them honorary degrees.

Christ, if universities start cancelling degrees for students “being a bit lefty” we’re going to have about four graduates left.

Degrees granted in the US are now officially meaningless.

Question, because I honestly don’t know.

Can a university revoke an earned degree without proof of cheating?


I really hope they lose all of their students. It would be great for other universities to offer the students a solution to continue their education. I would really like to see some fantastically opposing fuckery.

Usually people riot on Saint Patrick’s Day because they’re drunk…

Trump had that fake school that gave unaccredited accreditations didn’t it? And somehow he’s the one enforcing any sort of education standards…screw that

This is the right’s ultimate goal. To force citizens to abide by their morality under fear of everything being taken away from you. They don’t give a fuck about freedom and never have.

I’ll almost certainly be downvoted, but just to add context as a Columbia student who has lived through most of this first hand:

The students they suspended/expelled/revoked didn’t just protest, but broke into buildings, assaulted public safety officers, and some even blatantly spewed anti-semitic rhetoric while assaulting Jewish students. It should also be noted that the organization that posted the top comment (CUAD) is an organization that has previously called for the complete elimination of the Israel state and has continually harassed students for just being Israeli or Jewish.

There’s protesting and then there’s hate, and it’s important to distinguish this.

Protesting genocide is protesting America. Of course fascists are against protesting.

Columbia University soon to open a new cursus for “Trump’s Youth”

Sounds like a lawsuit

Throwing tantrums when people disagree with you is normalized among the right

Come to our European Universities….

The question here is were they expelled because they were tearing shit up and acting a general fool during the protests or just for being there? Seems like a very small amount based on the number of people that were there. There’s more to this story.

They really are trying to speed run their way to idiocracy…

“Right-woke”! Love it!!

Right woke instantaneously adopts cancellation but now with the full force of the state and the expressed goal not to merely ruin people but also to criminalize them.

Just wait until society corrects itself and universities start to revoke degrees from magaloids for being magaloids.

I dont know why anyone would go to that university at this point. I know i wouldn’t

So do they get a refund?

Somewhere, Pol Pot applauds.

This seems to be a really poor move by the school. Unless there is some info we are missing here about what those 22 students did… this is going to strongly discourage high schoolers from going to that school. I can see tons of kids withdrawing their acceptance letters.

I’m really thinking there’s more to this story that caused the University to do this.

These are university students , it’s what they do .
They protest!
It’s as old as time !

To not let them , means our futures will all be run by the same kind of people with no alternative thinking .

Very sad .

Let’s all just pretend that advocating for genocide is just a harmless opinion and not a morally reprehensible stance that undermines the very fabric of human decency.

“…most authoritarian ‘right-woke’ nonsense I’ve come across in a while’. There’s always tomorrow!

That takes the right canceling people to a whole new level!

Cowards are caving like glaciers in Hawaii, establishment dems, tech companies, universities…

It is all so shameful.

To add a little context:

I believe the Trump administration, through the acting director of the Federal department of education is making Columbia University’s public funding (hundreds of millions of dollars of funding) conditional on what they deem as correct behaviour which includes punishment of students. If I am remembering the facts correctly then that means while I don’t condone the university’s behaviour, it might help you understand WHY the university is behaving in this way as without federal funding, they are unlikely to be able to survive, so ultimately the fault is largely at the feet of the Trump administration instead of the university although i would hope the university’s sense of integrity would be larger then this.

Fake news. Trump hacked their account. ASK HOW I CAN TELL!

If that uni can void a degree that easily, stands to reason their degrees aren’t worth much. Why go to a school and pay the GDP of a small nation for a degree that can be voided on a whim?

Sounds like the students should all transfer, stop applying… a university is a business: boycott and shut them down.

This is chilling

dissapearing people is more authoritarian

Im sure they will recant when they get slapped with 1st amendment lawsuits, and the reduction of tuition and faculty that is going to leave and go somewhere else.

They should sue for time and damages emotional distress for them taking away their 1st ammendment rights. They are an institution sue the accrediting offices too. Demand your records.

If people can be admitted, or not, by writing about their activism, then the university degree is in part rewarding goodthink.
No surprise that once that’s accepted, the reverse also comes into play.

Too bad they aren’t fascists, the right-woke might actually stick up for their right to protest

Seriously, how can anyone take a degree from them seriously now?

So they get a full refund right? Right?

Eh I don’t think this is correct revoking their degrees, but I do think it is a university right to. I mean especially if you have an honorary degree and then become a massive Nazi like Ye (formally know as Kayne) West.

It is Nazis all over again. We learned in school that history rhymes…

We just never thought it would be in our lifetime.

GenX here. Old enough to know, young enough to see it happening again.

This won’t be the end. Remember that when applying to Columbia that they will revoke your degree is you don’t fall in line.

He is a president, he is not an emperor! What is wrong with him?

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