Billboard in Alabama

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Voted for Trump/Musk? Lost your job? I can’t feel bad for you.

Your job and your money

How much does one of these billboards cost? Who is funding them? Can we spread them across the country on all major interstate highways?

The real African-American welfare queen

I believe there is also a billboard in Alabama that says something about remember she’s your daughter not your date sooooo.

They forgot the Illegal part but still a step in the right direction.

The irony is overwhelming, which of course is lost on MAGA.

That’s brilliant

In the words of Moe Szyslak; “Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.”

In Alabama of all places? Isn’t that one of the most conservative places in the country?

Knowing Alabamans, they’ll see the sign. Become confused by its lack of blame directed at brown people, get frustrated that they’re not currently fucking one of their relatives. Begin to screech in rage like chimps and start throwing shit.

Seen in Alabama. This gives me hope.

lol claiming to be an efficiency expert while simultaneously needing people to work 120 hour work weeks is actually hilarious. His dad might my a dumb cunt but even a broken clock is right twice a day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

Can’t go to any other country and live off them for free

He didn’t take your job. He removed your job.

why didnt this guy get drilled by congress like all the others have to go thru?

Unfortunately this immigrant bankrolled the entire operation so he gets a free pass.

Even the sight of his face makes me nauseous, fucking horrendous man.

Not only did he take your job, he’s perfecting humanoid robots to eliminate even more jobs.

Lmao do we know where in Alabama? Because I would go and visit it

Think cousin brother will get it?

Did they close Tesla or something?

Jesus, that’s like 125 thousand jobs gone.

I was going to be CEO of a rocket company?

He’s a US citizen now.

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