A group of Yale students pranking Harvard by posing as a Harvard Prep Squad and handing out over 1,800 placards to students. The cards were supposed to say “Go Harvard!” but instead said ”We suck.” (2004).

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Now that is a prank

That’s fucking awesome.

Years back, I took a tour of M.I.T. for the lolz. On the tour, they went into several detailed stories on some of the pranks that have happened on the campus over the years. One of my favorites and most memorable pranks was somebody would sneak over to the Harvard football field everyday around lunch time, throw a handful of bird seed, blow a whistle, and throw a flag into the air. They did this everyday until the start of Harvard’s football season. On the day of the first home game for Harvard, the ref threw the first penalty flag, the field was then flooded with hundreds of pigeons. I was told it took quite a while to clear them off only for them to return during the next flag.

That is legitimately a prank and is also funny. DAE remember when pranks didn’t involve acting obnoxiously for internet clout?

Well played, deftly executed plan. 10/10

Who’s IVY League now bitches…

One of the ALL TIME football rivalry pranks.

Holy shit that’s brilliant.

10/10 well fucking played lol

I don’t know why Harvard even bothers to show up. They barely even won.

– Mr. Burns (Yale ‘1914)

I would imagine the only years harvard won a championship were the years they existed before any other schools

Now that’s good! lol

Back when pranks were not just childish bullshit

But won’t Harvard be reading it to themselves as “we suck”, as in Harvard sucks? I’m starting to think that I suck.

Lmao that’s great

Lol gottem

The “Harvard Lampoon” couldn’t have done better, bravo Yale.

Didn’t they have a website called harvardsucks.com or something where they showed how they executed the prank?


You can’t see the forest when you are a tree.

That’s the most American prank ever. Love it.


Those Yalers, what will they do next!


Good prank

I assumed this a was a completely sincere english football crowd which likes to engage in self mocking

I want to know how long it took for all of them to get the message. I imagine a lot of them didn’t find out until days later

Honestly I don’t even know why Harvard even bothers to show up. They barely even won.

TIL I’m old because I remember laughing about this when it was news… back in 2004.

I figured Harvard people would be quick enough to call an audible and do a shuffle change for it to say, “We Fuck”

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