You should cancel your Spotify Premium

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Good looking out internet stranger

One day someone posted “A reminder to anyone who needs it: your dryer is done!” and whatdya know, I needed it.

That reminds meā€¦

I made myself 3 months free, and when the last day of the subscription came, I remembered all day that it was worth disabling it, but in the end I did not disable it..

Hahahahaha I think everyone should start doing these types of posts so we don’t forget things šŸ˜‚

Is there a tool to transfer your Spotify liked songs and playlists to other platforms?

You don’t have to wait to cancel it right before the trial is over. Cancel it as soon as you sign up. You’ll still have the service until the date you were supposed to get charged.


Love this, itā€™s cute, but is it so hard to schedule it into your reminders/calendar?

Just did yesterday

You should cancel reposting almost 7 year old shit. See that ’23 jun 18′ in there?

Oh thanks for this !ā˜ŗļø

*The internet wins AGAIN!*

Even the dog was shookt


You really should.

I also smiled 8 years ago.

oily is one of the real homies

Just did this actually after realizing I already have YT Music with the YT Premium subscription.

Not all heroes wear capes

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Someone should invent some kind of thing that keeps track of the days and writes them out in advance. Then you could flip ahead 3 months and write yourself a note to see on that day.

Olly…the hero we don’t deserve

Hey everyone, you should cancel your Premium everything. Letā€™s start diminishing the money we give these few people, they waste it in dumb stuff we donā€™t want.

Many blessings upon Olly and their home

Spotify Premium isn’t even worth it nowadays. YT Premium is always the go especially if you watch a lot of YT videos too.

The human race can be beautiful sometimes

Oh my God! I might hear some views different from my own. I’d better cancel right away. I’ll also demand those fascist stop calling me a supporter of cancel culture.

Why not just cancel it immediately? It just keeps going until the end and then stops

I want to cancel because they fucked with podcasts so much and doubled the cost of “family plan.” But I have also shared my account for Disney, prime and crave so šŸ¤·

you should pirate all digital media for eternity

Olly is a fucking Boss. Be like Olly

He managed to view the comment, write a reply and send within a minute? O_o

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