It’s a manly cry, though…

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I’d say this smells fishy, but it’s just air pollution

I’m convinced the entire “we get it, you vape” meme and associating vapes with douches was a psy op by big tobacco.

Tobacco companies have a huge & vested interest in vape. Marlboro is laughing because they don’t care *how* you consume tobacco or it’s by products (nicotine).

Oh thank god the only comment showing in the screenshot was circled in red. I might have missed it. Jeezus

No bc Marlboro is making The vapes too

I don’t get it, whats the joke… ohhh yeah it’s in the red circle. Thank god for that circle.

Sorry for not wanting to get lung cancer, or have the ability to breath normally and not be exhausted after climbing a small staircase, or not wanting to be addicted to and dependant on substances for a sense of relaxation and joy, or for not wanting to spend a lot of money every month on something I don’t need nor want…

Might as well breathe in the tasty cancer

“Real Men”(tm) don’t have an infantile oral fixation.

These people have never seen a grown man lose their last cigarette?

cultural insights from an apostrophe novice

I bet they lost half their customers to death.

Don’t vape there are no long term studies on its effects

Oh no, promoting bad health practice and toxic masculinity at the same time, colour me surprised.

The same company that owns Marlboro also makes billions on vape products.


Demasculation is a 20th century trick which really won’t work these days.

Both are equally shit for your health

Marlboro is only associated with masculinity due to marketing. There’s no inherit test if masculinity involved in smoking one.

They own the vapes too. Lol

“Real Men” are always softer than the previous generation of “Real Men”. This guy probably smokes filtered cigarettes, which according to my dad was for women and Real Men smoke unfiltered cigarettes. Even older Real Men smoke cigars

In reality they have likely lost more than half so the cry is very well justified.

marlboro was originally a ladies cigarette in the 30’s and early 40’s. was pulled from market after ww2 because its market share fell so low. rebranded in the 50’s with cowboys and “manliness”

That’s because it’s all nicotine addiction, and not flavor.

Yo what company makes strawberry cheesecake flavors?
Would also appreciate an orange creamsicle

Sure have, long time smoker now I vape.
Hanging out with the smokers, most now vape.
I know it’s not great, but the improvement in health, breathing has been big.
Between my wife and myself we went from $1200 a month to $200. NZ$.
I bet those Marlboro men are fair old crying

As a guy who used to smoke Marlboros over 15 years ago…. Marlboros make you smell horrible.

It’s funny to see these “alpha” bros falling for these marketing stunts disguised as tests of “manliness” as if Marlboros weren’t being targeted at women first

Healthier and tastes good. Don’t see the problem

I’m pretty sure they own the vape

Naw, they own both

Can’t lie strawberry cheesecake vape is good

I don’t know how to feel. I went from smoking rollies to vaping and now cigarette smoke disgusts me. Blackberry Blueberry is such a tasty way, to kill yourself glacially.

Pack of Marlboro Red 100’s please and 15 on pump 7

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