Miracle alcohol

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remind me to never stand within a 10 foot radius of alcohol i do not like this 😭

Derek zoolander

Or when not wearing contacts


Is it possible to take alcohol without remembering that you did?

What exactly am I supposed to see ?

See I just need everyone around me to be drunk off their ass

I saw a woman but she had that like dry mummy mouth thing going on and it became nightmare fuel, I don’t start seeing demons when I’m drunk XD at least not yet.

I don’t think it works that well hahaha I would think I was tripping if I saw someone like that hahaha

That is wild lol

Why does it work?!!

Me: After every sentence i say, say I’m a man

My bsf: Ok

Me: I went to the bar,

My bsf: I’m a man

Me: I met a girl

My bsf: I’m a man

Me: I brought her home

my bsf: I’m a man

Me: I slept with her

my bsf: I’m a man

Me: the next morning, she whispered in my ear

My bsf: I’m a man!

Upvote if you get it

Please don’t do this ! don’t give me hope .

Is Ben Stiller, is it Mariah Carey, or is it Ben Carey, or is it Mariah Stiller?

I remember those drunk goggles in school that messed with your depth perception and made it impossible to throw or catch a ball. Turns out according to my friends I keeped playing catch just fine after I blacked out when we tried the experiment with real alcohol.

Great post !! 😂😂😂😂

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