Justin Trudeau’s first selfie as a retired man

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Nothing like a Canadian Tire run.

Whenever I’ve changed jobs, there’s always an immediate relief after my last day at the old job. All the work problems that are no longer my problem, a nice clean slate.

I can’t imagine how freeing and zen like it must feel for him right now.

He probably wasn’t allowed to cook for himself so now he has a lot of catching up to do

“Damn, groceries really ARE expensive”

I’m suddenly reminded when Ben Shapiro bought a piece of lumber for a selfie, and had it in a plastic bag


Not gonna lie, I would watch a cooking show with him.

Divorced dad moving into his new bach pad.

That’s exactly what I’d do. Restock the kitchen and start baking.

Trump never forgave him for making Melania wet.

Genuine question: does a former prime minister have security detail like a former US president would? Given the animosity a lot of Canadians had towards Trudeau, would be surprised if he didn’t have at least some form of security detail.

Happy for this man

He’s not retired. He didn’t resign from his seat


Wow I’ve had that jacket for 8 years and within the last 2 months I see everybody wearing it

If anyone is looking for the Prime-ministerial Haul list from his cart:

[MASTER Chef Cordless Electric Kettle w/ Blue Light, Glass, 1.7L](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/master-chef-cordless-electric-kettle-w-blue-light-glass-1-7l-0435765p.html?rq=master+chef+kettle) or [MASTER Chef Cordless Electric Kettle w/ Auto Shut Off & Blue Light, Glass, 1.2L](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/master-chef-cordless-electric-kettle-w-auto-shut-off-blue-light-glass-1-2l-0432743p.html?rq=master+chef+kettle)

[Black & Decker 6-Speeds Hand Mixer w/ Storage Case Black](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/black-decker-6-speeds-hand-mixer-w-storage-case-black-0432195p.html?rq=hand+mixer)

[Vida by PADERNO Nylon Masher](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vida-by-paderno-nylon-masher-2420385p.html?rq=potato+masher)

[Vida by PADERNO Nylon Solid Turner](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vida-by-paderno-nylon-solid-turner-2420399p.html?rq=paderno+vida) *

[Vida by PADERNO Nylon Slotted Turner](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vida-by-paderno-nylon-slotted-turner-2420395p.html?rq=paderno+vida)

[Vida by PADERNO Nylon Spaghetti Server](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vida-by-paderno-nylon-spaghetti-server-2420401p.html)

[PADERNO Stainless Steel Strainer](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/paderno-stainless-steel-strainer-for-draining-straining-sifting-silver-2420290p.html?rq=strainer) *

[Vida by PADERNO Wooden Matcha Spoon](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/vida-by-paderno-wooden-matcha-spoon-2420289p.html?rq=wooden+spoon) *

* Not sure on these

World’s most eligible bachelor shopping at Canadian Tire.

He’s wearing an NAIG (North American Indigenous Games) hat. That’s pretty damn cool.

Trudeau was Prime Minister for 6% of Canada’s existance. That’s pretty cool

To be clear, he’s not retired.

He’s still a member of parliament. He’s just not Prime Minister any more.

Lol, the hat gives off a “Paimon from Hereditary” vibe.

How do I get some of that?

Enjoy the rest of your life as a private citizen, Justin. Thank you for everything. I go you’re having a good laugh at PP plummeting in the polls.

Should have taken the selfie Infront of $1.99 eggs

Isn’t he still an MP?

Should have taken the pic in front of eggs.

Missed opportunity to have some eggs in the basket.

What the heck kinda shopping cart is that?

That creep who has to slobber that he was a Zionist? So weird. Is he even religious or an evangelical? Doesn’t make sense.

This guy shops at Canadian Tire and doesn’t give 2 shits about waiting for 50% off sales. Livin the dream haha.

Why is he not shopping at the lickbo ?

“huh, all this shit is a lot more expensive than it was when I was here last 10 years ago”

all of a sudden everyone likes him???

uh, he’s still MP, unless i missed something

I guess he has to start cooking now. Looks like someone’s eating mashed potatoes

Well, I hope you’re doing well Justin. Enjoy life outside the spotlights hopefully.

wish him all the best

Time to wear a cap, act normal and hope nobody harasses/tries to hurt you.

You think they cleared the store before he came in. I assume he still receives some protection from the government

Is he buying Canadian?

He’ll be back. He’s a young man and his name is Trudeau.

Not like our president who has never had to go to a grocery store!

He told this campaign lie about a distraught woman who was so poor under Biden she wanted to buy 3 apples but could only afford 2.

So she was forced “to take one apple back to the refrigerated section”.

Whoops. Donnie. Your “ I’ve never actually shopped for groceries “ is showing ! 😃🤣😂

Far away from politics

Do retired presidents, or in this case PMs, get some sort of protection? Like during their years on duty they get bodyguards etc, is there something similar after retirement? This question just came to my mind, cause I never seen it neither in Europe, nor any other part of the world.

My man is buying cooking supplies

Looks normal.

The stuff in his cart is a cover. He’s actually checking to make sure exactly half the staff are female. 😉

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