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I just explained the period situation to my 9 year old the other day and she said I ruined her childhood and probably her life. Fun.

Hit puberty at 10, thought I was dying. Mom was annoyed—it was a holiday, and we had to go to Grandma’s. Stuck in the bathroom with no supplies because nothing was open on Sundays. Ruined the backseat of a brand-new Chevy. Absolute crime scene.

I will never forget complaining about cramps to my younger sister, she was 13 or so at the time and she said “yeah, I just want to get mine over and done with” I said what menopause? And got a confused look in return. Turns out she thought it was a one and done situation. Bless her heart.

I was 11. I cried (and not with happiness) when I got my first period. Cried longer and harder when I found out the rules. Was happy when I figured out how to use tampons.

Celebrated when menopause was over. Gave away all the tampons I had stored. And never had a child.

Biology sucks.

We have to pay with our blood for not procreating so you best bet we all are screaming. Internally or into pillows. Too. Much. Blood.

I know this is supposed to be a “cute” post..I guess. but WHY is a 14 yr old girl just now learning about her period? I call that a failure at parenting.

Funny, but please do not wait until they are 14 to explain menstruation to them.

totally understandable. we’ve all been there

Oh look this post again…

My daughter got the full education on this in 5th grade. That day when I pick her up from school she comes charging toward me over the injustice of it all and tells “do you know there are eggs in me?! UGH!!!”

I think my depression started when I discovered I would be bleeding for a WEEK for the next 30-40 years …. and would have PMS and menopause to deal with.

I was 10 years old when I got my first period … I thought it was a one day thing. My periods were so heavy that I would become anemic and faint for a week.

My friend got her period when she was 17. She’s been depressed ever since. I mean that in the most literal sense. She told me she couldn’t believe how gross, painful and long it was. She showered 3 times a day to feel better during her period.

I always think about this. I’d rather never have kids if it meant I will never experience a period again in my life. And then the menopause comes. Us women will never be happy…

Some birth control stems the flow. I am not a huge fan of those, but I know it will either be super light or skipped for a few months. Much better than what I went through. I am seeing light at the end of that looooooong tunnel.

I’m sure she loves this moment being immortalized on social media…

Wild no one told her about this until she was already bleeding. That’s some shit parenting.

Bring her some chocolate 🍫

My daughter blamed me for the longest time and didn’t understand why this didn’t happen to her brothers. Lol… she’s 19yo now…

Still can’t believe women gotta deal with this shit.

I was 11. And I’ve been having them for 50 years. Yes, I’m healthy. Yes, I’ve seen doctors. No, it’s not every month now. No, it’s not cancer. It’s late menopause. So yeah, decades of fun ahead for her!!🤪

She learned that.. at fourteen? Why did nobody talk to her before then? That’s pretty old to just find out about monthly periods imo

If i had a daughter id tell her you’re allowed to swear in the house when you hit puberty and not say why until the day came

This didn’t happen

So do Americans not learn about this kind of stuff as kids? I was taught this in school when I was eight.

Do we have the same daughter?

Now that I think about it, I was never actually told that it lasted more than one day a month. And then when I learned based on my body experience I realized “oh that’s why the pictures in the magazines had like five days with red Xs (instead of just one day).”

Probably should’ve told her before the day it happened.

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