It’s not that complicated

By Raijgun
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It’s ironic for him to say that when his whole platform is how America sucks.

The people that hate the country seem to have an orange idol or are orange

“It is your choice, and your choice alone,” say the guy who is happily rounding up people willy-nilly and deporting them, even if they’re here legally and have no criminal record.

Remove expatriation fees and many would.

Never said he’ll never be fascist 😏

Matter of fact, Trump is the one trying to change OUR country. He should be made to leave.

Pretty much yeah. You can add to it, the feckless toadies of his administration, and his cult base.

Okay, but where are people supposed to go? You’re pretty clear on wanting to eliminate Canada as an option.

I hope he lives to get everything he deserves.

Him and his billionaire friends

Says the guy whose campaign slogan has always been in essence “America isn’t great”

So he hates almost everything about US democracy, and yet he stays…


Anti-immigration guy says that people that don’t like their country should leave.

End of the joke

Republicans are the ones who hate this country.

Perfectly true.

Loves the country. Wants to change everything about it.

Sounds legit. 

I will say my favorite things about my government are all socialist programs like the fire department, the police department and libraries. The greedy fucks just like to call me a socialist because I think hospitals, ambulances, power and internet service should also be provided by the government. We pay enough money to accomplish it we just spend it all on defense contractors.

Must admit, I’d leave if I could.

I too, love my country and hate the felon Donald Trump.

This is the melting pot.

We hate you. You orange clown.

Tell that to the people he kicked out without due process. Guess it was their choice?

“We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow.”

― Al Franken

🇨🇦 Does this apply to entire countries? Asking for 40,000,000 friends.

Should have asked him to define those words.


Fun fact! If you move out of the US you still get to vote in the last state you lived in.

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