Community noted in real life is insane

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He was always crazy. Visible for everyone since the ā€˜pedoā€™ incident. They should change the sticker to ā€œā€¦.before I realized he is crazy.ā€ if theyā€™re honest.

Ya you can kinda excuse the normal Tesla cars but for damn sure you canā€™t pull that bs with the truck, that sticker is definitely to stop people from vandalizing there trash

The fact they first saw the sticker went home, typed and printed the note, and went back to the same cybertruck. The pettiness is inspirational

Elon’s getting uno reversed everywhere

buying a cyber truck already completely disqualifies a person even if Elon was normal.

Well, Musk indeed went crazy before the Cybertruck started selling, but he went Nazi much later. I can understand the sentiment, though I went over my Musk-delusion long back (around the time he was proposing Hyperloops).

I have a Gulf of Mexico sticker on mine. It’s subtle.

Did you really just take a tweet, crop the image, and use the same joke the tweet did? That’s so much effort for internet points

best way to combat misinformation? stickers!

Pretty sure some people put a deposit down up to 5 years ago.

Though Elon has been crap for longer than that.

But full on Nazi is recent

My newest home care nurse this week said this literal statement to me lol. But he has a regular tesla. I live in a deep red area and there are a TON of teslas, most from before he went crazy. It totally threw me off when my nurse said it, though, because I default to thinking everyone here is a trumper just because of demographics and geography. I don’t want to accidentally say something and get in an argument with a trumper who will be sticking me with needles lol. But then my nurse mentioned he is from Canada and I literally went, “Ooooooohhhh!!! That makes sense now.” šŸ˜…šŸ˜†

Elonā€™s always been crazy. Heā€™s what happens when you put Apartheid into the Personificator

I remember Teslas being everywhere in Amsterdam in 2017, can someone tell me when Elon become ā€˜crazyā€™?

He never “went crazy”. That’s too easy for an excuse. He’s always been a capitalist ass hole. It just didn’t transpire for as long as his power was relatively limited (emphasis on relatively).

Making his company produce this ugly and useless car when their current line up was decent and successful is pretty crazy in itself

The cybertruck wouldn’t exist if Elon wasn’t crazy. it’s ugly as shit, it’s the first ‘car’ he took the lead on designing. By lead I mean he drew a childlike drawing of a car he saw in some video game he played in the 90s and wanted to drive, gave a list of insane specifications it needed, like being a boat (which people kinda forget to talk about now), bullet proof, etc.

The look, concept and idea of the car is all because Elon went ego maniac crazy. The entire thing is a result of him losing his fucking mind.

actually you were able to preorder them and already paid for it so….. anyways good attempt reaching again reddit..

If people say they didn’t know he was a bad guy, they’re lying, or you can tell they have the algorithm of a halfbrain.

do these people not have jobs

Presale was like 5 years, that community note is technically incorrect.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who aren’t terminally online, and weren’t following the guys every move and mistake on reddit every day, and there are genuinely plenty of people who just bought it without knowing much about the ceo. But that’s too far beyond the narrative and justifications people want to use to get out their anger with vandalism and easing their conscience for it, telling themselves there’s only one way you own one.

As long as you demonize them, and paint them as bad people in your head, you can justify being a shitty person to them. Classic coping mechanism for criminals and deranged people with manifestos.

Ya’ll keep saying “he was always crazy”, forgetting that basically all of Reddit used to glaze him back in the day as well.

There is no excuse for the truck tho’ it’s trash regardless of who would’ve made it.

Iā€™m not sure but maybe they pre ordered years in advance. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

The very design and production of this rolling shit silo is the most strong indicator that the dude is clean out of his tits insane.

I don’t think we are doing enough, we should make Tesla owners wear a Tesla badge in public so we can treat them accordingly…. Oh wait.

How about the people who purchased the truck and were not aware of elons antics? I think it’s wrong to vandalize if there’s even a tiny chance that the owner isn’t bigoted. Pwning this persons car after the purchase hardly pwns elon at all. Misdirected anger in my opinion.

I wouldn’t go so far as go say it is insane. Quirky is a more fair term.

They started taking deposits on cybertrucks before covid. Fake news.

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