Same old story

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I’m not gonna lie. Every time I see shit like this it just triggers within me so much hatred

Anyone else feel the same?

Why make the corporation pay when we have trickle-down taxes. Think of the shareholders!

Amazon will lean on pigs to break picket lines but won’t contribute to their slop fund. So glad I stopped using Amazon.

Add in how much in Govt benefits the millions of employees get by reduced hours, lack of benefits etc and you’ll see how our taxes are being used to subsidise companies making billions in profit and paying no taxes.

pay taxes fuckers. it’s all we’re asking.

What year was this? Everything I could find online (very quick cursory search of Amazon tax paid on profits 2024) says they paid a little over 9.3 billion in taxes this past year. I agree they’re an evil company, just looking for clarification

Stop doing business with these companies. Just stop. It’s so much easier than you think it is. Just fucking delete the app, delete your account, and don’t look back. I used to order shit from Amazon weekly and it’s been years since I stopped. I still continue to find everything I need at a good price and in a lot of cases I get to shop directly with a company so they get all of the money instead shopping with the same company through Amazon and giving Bezos a cut for literally no fucking reason.

Holy shit please just stop.

Is this old? Looking at Amazon’s 2024 10k, they had a tax provision of $9.3b and paid $12.3b for income taxes. I’m all for corporations paying their fair share, but this tweet doesn’t seem to have its facts straight.

This post is outdated, Amazon did not pay taxes in 2022 because of massive losses that offset their taxes. However, in 2024 Amazon paid 9 BILLION in income taxes. They don’t provide nothing and then take billions from the public. Amazon pays such little in US tax because they receive massive Research and Development tax credits, sustainability credits which makes sure Amazon is a net zero carbon emission corporation by 2040, and capital investment credits for voluntary nationwide improvements.

Source: Amazon’s Income Statement


I hope firefighters are aware of this fact if an Amazon building catches on fire.

I hope highway departments are aware of this when roads get back around their facilities.

I hope anyone with a high school diploma is aware of this and apply elsewhere.

It’s time to take away from these oligarchs

And it’s going to get so much worse. The IRS layers off 10% of its work force because of the dogebag. It’s been reported that up to 500 billion dollars in tax revenue will not be collected. To wrap your head around what that means, just the dept of defenses budget is 850 billion.

It’s also projected that many people in general will stop paying their income taxes because there will not be enough staff to look into that.

Once of the best quotes I have ever read is, “the price of civilization is taxes”.

They justify it by saying that the taxes that the employees make will make up for it.
It’s not like it’s exploitation or wage slavery or anything like that…

Maybe, if we give them an even bigger tax break, they will trickle that right on down to the rest of us …

There are other taxes generated like sales and property which pay for some of these things.

The tax code is written in such a way where companies like Amazon are built to take advantage of the tax code. We, the people, remain complacent.

The current administration intends to spend $0 on schools, $0 on firefighters, $0 on infrastructure, $0 on research and $0 on healthcare as soon as possible so where’s the problem ?


Such BS

I haven’t spent a dime on Amazon in over a year… Of course, that won’t move the needle… there are those out there who don’t care, prefer convenience, or are sympathetic to Billionaires. Good for them.

But I’ll be damned if I ever pay for a single screw on Bezos’ yacht or another Botox injection for his new wife.

Fuck Amazon. Pay your taxes like everybody else.

Amazon? The company that uses American taxpayers roads, highways, water, electric grid, natural resources….That Amazon?

The trick is to take 1% of what you should put in the pot and give it to the politicians in exchange for being allowed to keep the other 99%.

…and the thieves don’t even treat their workers right? Pure fucking evil at this point …

Maybe try the religion model. Don’t pay taxes? You don’t get a say.

If corporations are people then they must pay incomtaxes, they are earning an income not just revenue. Of course this also means they get to collect social security once they reach a certain age….hmmm

If you charge Amazon a tax do you think they just capitulate and make less profit or will they adjust all of their prices higher to offset? When all their prices are adjusted to compensate who is really paying their taxes?

She shouldn’t use ‘schools’ and ‘firefighters’ because they’ll just respond that those are supported by local taxes.

Instead say ‘0 for Air Traffic Control, for Federal Highways, for Drug Research Grants’

People like you, congress wrote the tax code!

The ceo won’t pay taxes and they probably pay next to zero in real estate taxes.

She posts stuff like this as if she isn’t in Congress and can propose bills to fix it.

Are those numbers actually real? I’m not hating on AOC, I just can’t believe it’s real.

AOC works in Government, why is she asking us?

Boycott Amazon.

What’s the 11.2 figure? I see annual net income of 59.2 on their IR site.

And how many billions have we sent to Ukraine? How about spending it on schools, firefighters, infrastructure, research and healthcare?

In my state Kohl’s successfully claimed that their buildings should have property taxes based on the size of the building, not its expected revenue. It cut their tax bill supporting things like roads and schools dramatically.
Of course every business that could, followed suit.
Our governor wants property tax lowered but is fine with 7% sales tax, making those who spend their taxed wages on stuff they need help those living in large suburban houses afford them.

Corporates should have taxes set based on payroll of 90% of working people. Less people or low salary, more tax. Higher salary or many people, less tax.

So replacements via automation or moving oversea(less workers) would increase tax a lot.

the one thing i would suggest to alter in this messaging is to focus on how the corpos benefit from the services their taxes would’ve otherwise helped fund. In this case, Amazon is allowed to continue to exist solely because they get to make use of US public infrastructure (technically true of every business but especially so for online retailer shipping nationwide)

So stop talking about it and do something about it. It would take a surprisingly low number of people to overthrow the government.

and this is the fundamental problem with this and past administrations. So many of the issues we face, like funding social security, could be addressed by simply taxing – fairly – the wealthy and corporations. Instead Trump decided to LOWER corporate tax rates and the tax rates with the top 1%, which resulted in less funding for the federal government. And their solution now? fire federal workers. When will this country wake TF up?

Cancel your prime, you don’t need Amazon

It’s gotta trickle down soon, right?


The argument I always hear from conservatives is “yeah well they create jobs for over a million people”.

If you buy from Amazon then this is your fault. Plain and simple

>Why should corporations that contribute nothing to the pot be in a position to take billions from the public?

**Why should members of Congress who do nothing but complain about the very tax code that *they* pass as legislation that *allows* corporations to not pay taxes be in a position to take a salary?**

Schools fire and cops come out of property’s in usa. I’m pretty sure yhey paid property tax in most places they own or rent.

Really weird that conservatives won’t bat an eye at this.
Like anytime someone suggests a social safety net it’s always the same thing:
“We can’t have (insert social safety net and our services that would improve the American way of life) because that’s a slippery slope to socialism and if we have socialism that means that you would be paying your taxes to someone who won’t contribute anything to the system.”

This is a multi-billion dollar corporation that doesn’t pay anything to taxes but you bet your ass they take from public services. Amazon got money for COVID relief and they probably have billions in subsidies across different industries.

What frustrates me even more are the smooth-brain bootlickers replying with shit like “jUsT bEcAuSe ThEy DoN’t pAy FeDeRaL iNcOmE tAx DoEsN’t MeAn ThEy DoN’t PaY tAxEs!”

How do they not pay federal tax? I don’t understand how they get away with it

The historical labor movement reflects ongoing struggles for workers’ rights, particularly concerning the working conditions and demands for reasonable hours that date back to events like the Haymarket Riot in 1886. These foundational moments in labor history indicate that the issues workers face today often echo those of the past, demonstrating that the quest for better working conditions remains a persistent challenge in the labor sector.

* [Labor Movement ‑ America, Reform & Timeline | HISTORY](
* [200 Years of Labor History – National Park Service](

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This tweet is flat out dumb. Firefighters, schools and all the rest are funded locally by property taxes. Amazon paid property tax.

So, all where all the buildings are located they paid taxes for every single thing listed in that tweet.

There were a few years they paid zero FEDERAL taxes. They still paid state and local taxes. The years prior they took massive losses and tax credits that were given for carbon emission reductions.

Amazon paid their taxes to fund Firefighters and schools.

It’s just a fact. These posts are aimed at the lowest informed person just to play class warfare and many of you fall right into the trap.

But they pay it through their employees?

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