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This is peak college experience: broke, hungry, and full of regret

It’s ok to take it, if you leave a note

They write like my 6 years old nephew

I respect it because they are hopefully teaching you a lesson.

I have eaten

the KitKat

that was in

your cupholder,

that you were

probably saving

for a snack

forgive me

it was

so delicious

and crunchy

I’ve never seen such a wholesome theft.

You can literally wipe ur ass wit this

Shoulda just broke off half that’s the whole point of kitkat

At least they left a note. Most people just steal your will to live.

Hey this happened at my university! Kit-Kat even replaced the stolen candy bar.

As garbage a person he is for being a thief. This mistake is a teaching moment for you. Lock your doors.

you are not you when you’re hungry

You’ve learned a valuable lesson: You lost a Kit-Kat, you could have gained a fine it’s $60-$100 here. You could also have had someone rifle through all your stuff, stolen more, and left you a “deuce” in the back seat.

Yeah its very gentle they left a note but stealing is never nice, he could better explain his situation to the car owner and ask for the food. That goes against many their wishes how to behave but that is better then stealing

That’s a well mannered raccoon

I once had someone break into my car to steal my MP3 player. Not like an iPod, a generic little thing. Which could not have the songs changed without the proprietary software. They left the wad of cash it was sitting on though.

I hope they enjoyed the 30 songs it could hold. It was my playlist mix of Pink and Rob Zombie. And I hope they could never change it.

Obligatory r/FuckNestle

Ngl, I wouldn’t even be mad at this. After this, I’d be motivated to keep small snacks around the outside of my car for other starving college students. It may not be a good deed, but at least you’d be making some students day by giving them a needed snack on the way to class. Guarantee you’d become one of the most beloved students on campus.

Maybe it’s the beer talking Marge, but you got a butt that doesn’t quit. They have these chewy pretzels that arehdndk h h d enk he zmsk 5 Dollars?!!? Get outta here

A felony in many states.

Gimme a break bro…

Saved it from melting. Lucky you left it unlocked.

If it was left in the car it’s probably melted down into a blob anyways. Oh well. Lock your doors.

Op should lock their doors

It’s a cute story, but there’s a real darkness to it. Once you’ve opened the door to steal someone’s private property, then you’ve opened the door to a lot of unpleasant scenarios. People are saying that the owner of the car needed a lesson. I think the Kit Kat robber could use a nice beating to teach him to stay out of people’s shit. Go rob a CVS or something if you need free candy so badly.

It was going to melt. They did you a favor.

That person is literally walking around eating a stolen KitKat, thinking it’s fine because they left an “adorable” note. They think this makes them a good person. Sad.

They are made for sharing

I kind of respect his honesty and him telling you that you left your door unlocked?

Tax man takes

OOP is Canadian.

Was there actually a Kit Kat in the car?

lol I straight up thought they were saying they stole your cat from your car and was confused lmao

Honestly. I wouldn’t even be mad. I felt the desperation in that note.

What a valuable life lesson to learn for the price of a Kit Kat. Lock your shit up.

Find that man.

Give him a few breaks.

Ten per bone.

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