Inspirational meme for us outcasts

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Ah, yes. Humanity 2: Electric Boogaloo

Or was it made up to make people happy? 🤯

Sex is a social construct. It is physically impossible for anything to truly touch at the atomic level, so how can a phallus stimulate a vagina and how can babies be made by the entwinement of a spermatozoa and an egg?!

Never lose your virginity because winners never lose.

I lost my virginity at the age of 12. I was with my unattractive face.

no one wants to lose yk


If sex doesnt exist then will u define virgin in a sexual context s’il vous plait

“In this community, I alone”

It’s almost worse than crack in the level of power it wields and fleeting high it provides

I’ll take number four for $500 Alex

It’s been femboys the whole time

i’m a virgin because i stole it back from the demon gorgorog

I’m a virgin because i’m a minor

(insert cool af image of ascended being)

Your not unfu#kable your just to intelligence to run the risk of side effects

This is spot on fr

Im virgin, because i want to get achievment at endgame.

No, really, sex exists. You know it under the name of At²¹³

lost mine with a girl i barely knew, was kinda drunk too. i honestly dont even know if i wanted it but who cares, it was pretty good from what i can recall

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