“But aren’t they peak cinema that justify the runtime?” …They are.

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Bathroom breakers used to be a thing in cinemas apparently, why not bring them back?

Piss under the seat infront of you like a normal person

Have tried watching a movie without guzzling a 3 little jug of mountain dew.

Best thing to do is to have 2 bags of chips to retain the water in your body, but everyone will hate you, because of the noise.

Just Don’t drink water

This is more of a “cinemas need to bring back the bathroom break” problem than a “filmmakers should not make long movies” problem.

Sometimes a longer movie really does the story justice, where otherwise the story would be rushed and left unsatisfying. Plus, movies can also be watched at home where you can pause at any time when needed (though I realize the ambiance of home cannot match that of a professional cinema).

You should take a five-minute break after 1.5 hours

That drink container works both ways.

Then add in the sugar candy rush and the mega gulp soda and its game joever.

Guess I’m just gifted with a massive fucking bladder

It’s so funny to see Americans face this problem whereas in India (where I am from) all movies have intervals in them around the half way point of the movie and it’s sort of like an unwritten rule in most of the films.

Even when American movies are played in theatres, they randomly stop it around the halfway point so that the theatre goers could go to the washroom or buy popcorn or whatever they want to do.

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