Jurassic Park isn’t real life, guys. We can figure this out

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Let’s start by recently extinct animals. We have plenty of extinctions caused by humans. Their genes should be more completely available.

You are right, that movie can never be reality.

“We spare no expenses”* would get you laughed out of every meeting.

*disregarding that he in fact spared a lot of crucial expenses.


The only real problem I can see is how it will impact the ecosystem of any given area. If it’s a recently extinct species then sure but if it’s something from thousands of years ago then it could cause problems in the wild

Let’s bring back giant people-eating lizards


Do it! I want to hunt a sabertooth!

Life..uh..finds a way..

The novel idea of bringing back extinct mega fauna using DNA cloning is less about making a Jurassic park and more about getting the funding to do what researchers are actually trying to achieve: sustainable and ethical cloning in general.

I’m afraid I already saw where this is going…

I think it’s fine for some stuff like half the animals we drove to extinction but something like wooly mammoth wouldn’t work well imo.

Sure we absolutely should try to bring them back because we did eat them out of existence, but what happens when they come back? No living animal could raise a mammoth properly and show it how to survive in our climate. You could argue elephants but that’s again two different climates, and it probably wouldn’t work either. It’s like trying to get a house cat to raise a lion.

I think if mammoths returned, they’d just be locked in zoos or specific protected areas. They wouldn’t have a chance to be wild again

Ancient species who we only know if through the fossil record? Hell no.
We’re either dooming them or introducing non native invasive species to our current ecosystems.

Recently (as in the past 1000 years), then maybe. Depends on what it is. And if reintroducing it to its former range will be damaging to the current ecosystem, then no.

The truth of the matter is that we are not God. We wiped out a few species, and if we want to rectify the mistake, then okay. But we can’t actively go against nature and recreate something that was selected by it to be destroyed.

Why would they not go extinct again though?

The main problem with bio/gene technology would inadvertently be creating some pandemic tier virus that is particularly lethal.

Resurrecting extinct species basically creates new spaces for viruses etc. to move into and create new variants that maybe come back and infect us. Obviously compatibility and stuff changes this up so mostly we only need to worry about bringing back extinct mammals but principally just using gene tech is possibly one of the great filters from the fermi paradox imo.

No shot for dino, atmosphere was too different, they wouldn’t be able to breath properly

Mammoth however…

And who said it was a bad idea anyway?

Cloning extinct species in my eyes is like a little band-aid on a massive, infected cut. Sure, it might help stop the bleeding and clean up the wound a little, especially if you carefully put a lot of bandaids on it, but in reality it wonโ€™t fix the cause of the infection (that being human activity.) Even if these animals are back, the environment is still a mess, hundreds of other species are still about to disappear on a more rapid rate than we can bring them back, weโ€™d only care about bringing the cool/cute/interesting species back and not the ones that arenโ€™t any of those but still played/play a crucial role in their environment, and thereโ€™s still every opportunity for the animals we bring back to go extinctโ€ฆ because of us. Plus with cloning technology available I fear itโ€™s going to make idiots think โ€œso what if humans are irresponsible and causing the extinction of thousands of species? We can just bring them back!โ€ and every single advancement weโ€™ve made towards environmental conservation will be effectively reversed

It would be cool if they bring back Saber-toothed Cats.

Somebody please explain it to me I don’t get it at all not the comment not the meme

You have way more faith in people than me lol

its not a good idea because it causes people to no longer care about animals going extinct meaning wildlife preservation will take a nosedive

do the extinct ones first, specially the OG penguins

Dying sub ๐Ÿ˜‚

How about preventing the extinction of extant animals?

Honestly I’m all for bringing back mammoths, dodos, thylacines, etc

Of we just skip past if its a good idea or not. It’s also proven to be not that easy.

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