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Every now and then a friend of mine who passed away signs on and it gives me a mini heart attack. I think maybe his family still uses the Playstation for Netflix and stuff.

Let him continue the legacy of his brother ๐Ÿ˜”

I might not know you, but we’re brothers now

The brother: I will carry on his legacy

This shit does hit hard I have a couple of guys on my list that have passed away and a couple that haven’t been online for 10 plus years so I have no idea whatever happened to them

I came here to laugh….. A moment of silence for our friends who promised to log back โ€œtomorrowโ€ and never came back.


Mjinfinite. We spent hundreds of hours on bo3 zombies together, and some day you logged off for the last time. Its been years and i have no idea what happened, but i truly hope you just quit gaming and are living a good life.

The weight of gaming memories lingers, even when the players fade away.

Have a workmate who died of a brain tumour that kept reappearing.

Had surgeries galore but was told they’d removed about as much as they could without actively affecting his day to day life.
So he called it a day for surgery & spent his final months with his wife & kids at home.

Still check your gamertag even after 9yrs Ronnie.
You sucked at Rainbow 6 Vegas even before your brain ate itself.

Miss you dude xx

This happened to me. I was playing one game with this guy who was a few years older than me for years, suddenly he disappeared. 2-3 years later he was online – I also had had a break in between and was excited to chat again. It ended up being his younger brother – the big brother had died in a car accident (drunk driver). Iended up playing with the younger brother, he is about my age, told him about stuff we talked about with his brother, showed him places in the game and stuff we did in the game and so on. We ended up meeting IRL once he flew to my city, it was nice, mostly just hung out and drank beer, he crashed up in my place for that weekend. We still chat sometimes but both of us have stopped playing the game though.


Bro was quick to take over the torch…

Cheers my fallen brother I promise to play the new games that you missed out and I’ll share a drink to your memory and tell you the good games that came out this year henceforth.

this is so heartbreaking but wholesome at the same time ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’™

alright right after seeing this sadness pressed a button in my panel

i don’t know if I want to play or just cry.

Hell yeah I do. I’ve never wanted anything more.

Most touching one I have seen is the Kid who always replayed his dads last Game Replay on Project Gotham Racing and never beat it so he could always race him

This is too relatable…. Over the years, I’ve tried different games and made new friends on each one. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from any of them in a long, long time. I hope that they are happy, wherever they are. And I also hope that they remember the fun we had back in the day. Shout out to SpringBee123, jennierubyjane, QueenWindblade, and the many other friends I made along the way.

This happened to me 4-5 years ago. Was best friends with my friend H0LLYWOOD on Discord. We chatted daily, watched wrestling, etc. One day I went to message them and his wife replied back and said he passed away from a heart attack. I was broken for a long time and also felt bad for her and also miss him a lot. He wasn’t even past 35 I think.

I had a friend that we’d play together every day and he quit to have more time to pursue his music career. Proud of him but miss our adventures.


I had a gamer friend die and we didnโ€™t know for quite awhile. Thatโ€™s sad stuff.

I lost my best friend to cancer last year. Everytime I see his steam account last login increase it pains me. I MISS YOU LEE!

That’s just fucked.

This would break me. I had a lot of good buddies in halo 3.

โ€œโ€ฆof course I wanna playโ€ฆโ€๐Ÿฅฒ I think that would break me a little. I have gamer buds that Iโ€™ve never met but Iโ€™ve seen them grow up, get jobs, married, kidsโ€ฆ Yeah I think this would honestly break me.


The Legacy continues


Made me gasp, then felt sad.

Why is this making me feel sad out of nowhere, probably because this is the same thing that happened to me

Whenever I zone into Grizzly Hills and the music hits, it reminds me of a girl I met through WoW whom I had to cut out of my life and I actively try to avoid the place now.

I played an mmo with a friend every day for over a year. We had a lot of fun and then one day I went to text him and he didnโ€™t answer right away. Then I got a text from his number saying that my friend had died and that this number actually got recycled by AT&T and it went to him, another friend of my friend. It was really tragic. I eventually confirmed via obituary that guy was telling the truth but really the shock never goes away.

Now we are brothers. Letโ€™s play.

this is so sad and wholesome at the same time, rip Jason ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’™

It’s too late to catch your loved ones and interlock with that person.

And they say men don’t cry ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Years ago I did meet a random guy playing Burnout Paradise on 360. We played for a few hours that day, and ended up playing daily for months just messing around and doing all the MP challenges for the Diamond car. Then daily went to weekly and so forth, you know how it is.

Then he went offline for a bit before returning. But way later I checked his bio randomly to see what he was playing. And there was a note there saying he passed 2 years ago and his son was now using the account. Kinda made me really sad right there and then for a bit

think really hurt

This happened to me several years ago, except my friend was a victim of a drive-by shooting. I still chill with his younger brother from time to time.

The feels

gdi now I’m reminded of the 4chan story with the doctor and the heavy

Fuck man.. this hurts

That is your little bro now!

no….Our brother died 4 years ago….
so what are we playing?

I had an online friend pass from cancer when I was a teen. Despite the rp site I ran at the time being two decades defunct, I still keep it online just to host her old writing. Rest well, bijuu. We will never forget you and I will keep your words alive as long as I can.

โ€œWanna playโ€ like nothing happened

hey I bought playstation 5, where can I make friends like online games. I don’t have anyone to talk to ๐Ÿ˜…

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