I received $104 in the mail with no return address?

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I received $50 from someone that did a minor wrong to me when they got serious about not drinking and were going to AA. Didn’t say anything to me. $50 just arrived in the mail. This person actually completely stopped drinking, has an awesome family life now and financial abundance.

There’s a chance that it’s from someone in a 12 step program making amends to you. I think part of the program is making personal amends unless doing so would hurt the other person…maybe a friend stole from you in the past?

Maybe someone from your past finally paying you back for something?

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10-4 it’s means they/you are good.. whatever it was they may feel it’s settled

You know that thing you saw? You didn’t see anything.

That’s really strange………I sent $106.

It’ll all become clear once you get the accompanying 104° fever.

If you’ve ever been robbed by a crackhead they are now a year sober in NA (best guess atleast)

Perhaps a random act of charity. It happens this time of year. Pay it forward. Use it for something good this holiday season.

The Covid check finally came.

Maybe it’s to help you pay to fix that crack in your windshield. 😉

Did you recently celebrate your 104th birthday?

That was mine, I lost it. Can I have it back? Please?

I once found 5 100 hundred dollar bills in a decorative tea pot in my kitchen. Me and my mom lived alone and nobody had recently visited. We asked everyone we knew and nobody claimed it. It was a blessing. A weird one. But I’ll take it.

You’re welcome 😊

I fell down and accidentally mailed that to you as I was falling. I’d appreciate it back brother!

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own it and say nothing

Did you pass go?

If there’s no return address then they certainly don’t expect change back.

They want you to pay it forward… I’ll send you my address 😆😂
I’m just kidding ☺️

First rule of getting random money: don’t post it to the world

You touched it. You work for the cartel now

Make sure it’s not counterfeit.

DUDE, you showed the serial numbers online!

…now someone can use it to make a fraudulent purchase!

Now you have to throw away the cash.

I’m leaving my address at 12 step programs now

Your future self sent it to you!

It’s your turn to put one hundred and FIVE dollars in someone’s mailbox

Is there any possibility you’re being framed for a crime?

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I hate when people post on Reddit and just don’t respond to any comments lol

Nod and smile homie! That’s a great day!!!


Someone hit step 10

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