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But you don’t care cause it’s the middle of the night and you just want to go to sleep.

Had something similar to this at a biology test when I was asked to describe something to do with ray-finned fishes’ evolution but I completely missed the point and just described mudfishes instead. Apparently the teacher was still happy though and I got full scores on it.

When u realize that the voices in ur head were the ones writing and not u

When you write an essay and realize the whole assignment was actually to submit a bullet point list

Sometimes you just have to submit the worst essay you’ve ever written because it’s 2am and you want to sleep

I just don’t understand how it was possible for me to do that so often. I often wrote so much and only after it was marked did I realise it was nonsensical and mostly irrelevant

This is me whenever I try to reach the word count requirement

That’s how my best essays started.

That feeling when you turn it in and get a high grade for it anyways. The professor even sprinkles a little “great analysis!” for the extra razzle dazzle.

But, it’s probably still better than not handing in anything.

At that point you just fuckin submit it and stop caring , that’s what I do atleast

I used to do this really bad.

Pro-tip: if you do this too, mention it to professors asap. I would include it in the ‘comments’ section for homework submission. ‘Hello professor. I tend to get sidetracked and/or hyper fixated on specific portions and can occasionally lose sight of the overall topic or point. If you notice it in my paper, please point it out to me so I can continue improving!’

Not only did I frequently get actual feedback on papers to help me improve, but I felt like I got much more applicable feedback on other assignments and tests as well.

I just did that, twice, in a row

My senior year in high school I wrote an essay for Philosophy class that was 1 page long in large font and the intro paragraph was about how I was sitting in bed, waiting for the cranberry juice I’d just drank to detox my rotting body, not wanting to write the essay.

Still got a C, though.

We had an assignment to write a 1000-word essay on one of two topics. I wrote two 500-word essays on both topics

Oh shit you learned something

Literally did this in college as an English major.

Early British Literature class. We finished working through Beowulf and had a book report assigned for Monday.

Got baked most the weekend and scrambled together the report Sunday night.

Turned in a very mediocre book report/reflection but thought oh well.

When the report was handed back, there was a big red “D” on it.

The ancient professor literally wrote, “You missed the point” on my essay.

The point was to analyze the material and write a critical essay about Beowulf from the perspective of Christian allegory.

Changed majors next semester.

OMYGAHD my college days LMAO. as a girl, after realizing this it’s a 5 min breakdown then will proceed to revise the whole paper T.T

Remnds me of the time I had an SAT essay question that was so unrelatable I spent the time writing how off base or how much I could not relate to the experience

When you go off a worse side-rant than on hbomerguy’s “oof” video:


Try this in an exam setting …


I had to write about a culturally important figure in my community college US history class. I’m a huge hockey fan. I wrote about Wayne Gretzky🤦‍♂️ I realized my mistake at the end of the essay and turned it in anyway. I don’t remember the grade I got on the essay, but I passed the class with a B.

Bro has combined thesis and antithesis into synthesis

Straight up just writing words

IELTS task 2 writing a 150 word essay… Those are 250 dollars I won’t see again

Ok, so I’ve got a process for this, it involves not starting last minute though, hear me out.

An incremental approach, basically 2-3 stabs at it. First attempt is like word vomit, little care for punctuation or syntax, just emptying my thoughts onto the paper. Second and third attempts are just tightening up the paper, a progressively finer toothed comb, if that makes sense.

Imagine that but at the end of an AP exam.

I had forgotten this ever happened to me, and now I remember, so thanks for that😐

Still passing it in and hoping I get the “bless this poor child’s soul” response as the teacher takes a sip of wine while grading it.

me when i get *really* into it and end up pouring my soul out only to realize i misunderstood the assignment.

Had a essay I was about 75% of the way through before realizing the side I was arguing for was completely wrong. Luckily it was relatively easy to fix, minus most of the quotes I had used from sources.

I also had one time where I had asked if a topic I wanted to use qualified under what the teacher was asking for. Got approval, wrote it. She told me it wasn’t qualified under her conditons AFTER I had already written it and turned it in. Gave me a 0. Yeah I was fucking pissed off and didn’t even attempt that assignment again (my grade was good enough so it didnt screw me over but still)

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