Why are liberal women like this?

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Bro has not spoken to a woman

They aren’t. Wtf are you talking about? Stop projecting your fetishes onto others, it’s gross.


What is bro on ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

I mean, you started the argument by questioning their body autonomy.

Delete this


Yup, you figured it out. It’s all a fetish. No chances this is a strawman. Wojack memes are 100% reality. Not at all modern day rage comics of “your opinion bad, my opinion good”.

Very alpha sigma from you ๐Ÿ˜‚ Seriously, how do you make shit like this up?

this ain’t no meme

I have never heard a woman say anything like this in real life ever. OP desperately needs to touch grass.


i’m sure he is high on something when he made this

Possibly because conservative fucktards keep chanting “your body, my choice” at them.

Ye they are seething online like they lost all rights and started living in taliban state. Nice meme but looking at comments reminds me to not use this app its for literal subhuman soyaks losers with non existent testosterone, humor or brain whos only life purpose is adhere to hivemimd for karma updoots

Um im a lil confused what in the actual deep fried mcduck is this about

Wtf is this lmao

Idk what u on but keep it to yourself

Let’s imagine this scenario. Humans encounter an alien species that would like to work with us for mutual benefit, however their parasite larva needs to develop and grow directly in the male sigmoid colon. It is exactly like childbirth for women, so the deal is made. The government then passes laws to force men to carry alien spawn to birth without access to abortion, and the aliens are known for tricking men in different ways into holding their spawn.

I think once that happens, you might understand why this meme is so stupid and how important abortion access is.


No senses of humor either ๐Ÿ˜‚

This is not just liberals but the right too. Most of the people in the west are insane.

lol you asked the question on the right site. But I donโ€™t think youโ€™re going to get an answer lol

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