Tokens get spent

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Scott Pressler spent months turning out the MAGA vote and registering people in Pennsylvania. The Gay Republican is a true believer who breathlessly reports every conspiracy and lie. Now that the election is over, MAGAts have gone from singing their praises to eviscerating them online for being gay.

“From the far right”

Wait till you learn they aren’t all that far. It’s the mainstream right that hates you.

Gosh, they’ve only been bashing the LGBTQ community for 40+ years. How could you have known?

This sub is going to keep me sane the next 4 years. It’s a morphine drip of schadenfreude.

Well I’m queer and I’m not going to defend you. You made your bed.

“Not from the Left”

Amusing. I assume the Left mostly just attacked them for being ignorant enough to think they could be accepted as gay by the Right. As it turns out the Left was right.

>*”All Republicans aren’t like this… right?*

It was at this moment, The Gay Republican began to realize all Republicans are like this.

If only someone had told them the right hates the gays.

Narrator: “Yes… yes they are.”

As a gay man myself … L M A O

They have my apathy.

I want to believe people aren’t actually this stupid, but then they have to go selfishly proving it. That’s very rude of them.

Tokens get spent. The leopards have come for their faces

They cared about your vote, not about you. And you were stupid enough to think they were going to support you.

You can not be openly gay and Republican.

If you want to be an openly gay fiscal conservative, you need to make a new party that votes with Republicans on most things and with Democrats on rights and social justice.

There’s no money in it, and it’s a lot of hard work. So I guess you’ll stick to being considered better than a Democrat when they need you and Leopard food the rest of th the time.

probably discarded by a gay Republican pedophile not for being gay, but for not being underage any more. /s

Pressler is such a creepy weirdo

No way he never noticed before

No no. I was assured the hate on Twitter didn’t exist and libtards we’re leaving because they couldn’t control the narrative and it had nothing to do with hate so this is obviously fake

Another cis gay dude afraid to loose his seat at the kids table this holiday season.

He’s slow but he’s getting there

Oh look. Another ‘good one’ thought they wouldn’t be loaded on the train.

As a queer person, I really want to fucking punch this person

Gays for trump = Slugs for salt

How can one be gay and a Republican at the same time?

Oh boy. Wait until he finds out that the Republican party is indeed like that.

The useful idiots are no longer useful but are definitely still idiots.

How could anyone trust a gay man that dresses that poorly?

Gay conservative Dave Rubin and his husband had a baby with a surrogate and a bunch of people who wore otherwise on board with them started calling them kidnappers, sex traffickers and pedophiles and started saying they bought a baby. Could’ve clued some gay Republicans in that Republicans do not like them.

The comments are hilarious, deflecting to, “ignore the trolls, that’s something only the Left does….”

The delusion is unfathomable. 😂😂😂😂😂

No. Pretty much all of the modern GOP are like this.

“I have dedicated a decade of my life to (helping people who made it crystal clear they absolutely hate people me)”

Stupidity isn’t reserved for straight folks.

Thoughts and prayers in your time of difficulty

Ah,poor baby! I would offer him thoughts and prayers but he blocked me 8 years ago for trying to warn him about exactly this.

How did you make it to adulthood?

lol what??!! Yes they absolutely are

Yeah, dude, all Republicans are like this. Hope the tax breaks are worth losing your civil rights.

“Ugh the people calling gay people pedophiles are attacking me omg are all republicans like this??” 🤦🤦🤦

Picked the wrong team, bub

The Republicans won the election; they even won the popular vote. They’re the majority now in President, Senate, and House.

They lied consistently and obviously about many things. But, they never hid their anti LGBQT and POC bias.

Why are you just now surprised?

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