The Words of the Lion

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I mean, he said out loud, in public, on record that he was going to be a dictator.

Not sure what people expected from the fuckhead.

“All of those politicians, the senators, the legislators, the representatives, they’re all your employees. They get paid on your dime, they work for you.”
-my 8th grade American history teacher (love you Mr Johnson)

MTG acts and talks like a frat guy who peaked at middle school.

some folks forgot who they’re supposed to be working for

Fancy MTG not knowing about government protocols.

So much for the “Three Branches of Government”!!!
To say it out loud, really has no understanding of Her job!

And yet, they keep calling themselves patriots.

She wants to be picked so hard.

Like she did with Biden. Constant lies, and criticism of every policy.

Someone drank a keg of the cool aid.

You guys are so fucked. I wish you all the best for the next 4 years of having to deal with this shit.

Politicians who do not work in the best interests of the public, but instead bow the knee to corporations and an Orange fuckwit, should be tried as TRAITORS.

That’s interesting because that changed when people stood against Obama s policies his 1st term. Called a racist.

Can’t believe people still need to be reminded that politicians work for *us*, not the other way around. This quote is 🔥.

She would fuck Trump in public if he told her to. Just for him to not give a fuck about her

Georgia… whoever is in her district… vote her out. Please. This has gone on for too long.

She’s so anti American it’s sickening

To a lot of people, and most people outside of the US, we can agree and see how crazy this is.

The most alarming thing is that more than 50% of Americans actually wanted this!

He didn’t hide his true intentions, in fact he showed his true colours when his supporters stormed the capitol and he egged them on.

To everyone else, this level of dictatorship sounds insane, but to his followers, I honestly think they want this.

Trump is by far the most fascist leader we got nowadays.

Teddy Roosevelt undid te Tarrifs his predecessor started.

You heard her Bernie Moreno now get back down on your knees and open wide

I’m sure that’s exactly what she’d say if there were a democrat in the white house. 🙄

What a horse face bitch.

The words of the Lion vs the words of the Baboon

Whoever says your job is to agree with them wants to get rid of you.

When Roosevelt drops a mic from beyond the grave, and it still lands perfectly on today’s nonsense

Imagine thinking loyalty to one person matters more than loyalty to the people. This is why civics classes should be mandatory.

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