I ate some of this cheese yesterday. Today I found out that the hotel just “tops off” the (unrefrigerated) cheese every morning. The bottom INCH was SOLID MOLD.

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Id like to report this to a health inspector…what hotel is this

Hit ’em with: *”Considering that I ate that health hazard, I want at least a free stay. If not, I’ll be posting this on Reddit.”*

Call the local health inspector. Email them the pictures

Also call the hotel corporate office and email them the pictures.

I guarantee you will get your hotel stay comped, and several stays for free.

I work at a hotel. We never clean ANYTHING. I’m the only one who actually uses hot soap and water for the dishes and follows food safety regulations. Don’t even get me started on the rooms…

I’ve brought the issue up with my boss many times. I hate it here and I’m finally leaving next week and will be reporting absolutely everything.

Never trust anything at hotels…even the nicer ones.


Uh I worked as a breakfast attendant.(Basically Cooks the breakfast food and keeps everything set up in the serving Hall) For about a year after high school and I would get fired immediately for something like that and the place would probably get health coded immediately as well because that’s absolutely unacceptable

It builds character

So this is that workplace culture they kept bragging about

Blue cheese with American characteristics 🇺🇸🦅

I know for a fact as I worked in the food industry that you are supposed to full it up and then flip those into new containers every night, they are not doing that and actively ignoring food safety guidelines

Um rotating is like the 2nd rule of food after gloving up

Good thing you took pictures.

🎶 When the mold hits your eye, a fuckin’ inch high, *health violation* 🎶

Reddit doesn’t fuck around, Google reviews already showing the moldy cheese picture lmao


Damn, if you have a weak immune system this can really mess you up. mold is no joke.

This is why you always look at the 1 star reviews

Cheesus christ

Report to the local food safety inspector. Seriously. Someone could die from this.

this is why I stopped eating out years ago.

too many out there that dont care

I like my cheese moldy brah

Somebody that works there is definitely getting in trouble.

I see things like this and I never want to eat outside ever again

If it is any consolation, mold doesn’t spread through hard cheeses readily so you should be ok if there wasn’t any mold on the cheese you ate. The biggest concern is that this indicative of negligent and unsafe practices in the kitchen as a whole.

Cheddar on top, blue cheese on the bottom.

Hope you reported it to the health department

I’d sue and say I ate a good amount before seeing it was rotting


That sounds like a lawsuit.

Judging by the sheer amount of missing cheese this could have all been avoided if they just continued to keep topping off.

If you think that’s bad just wait til you find out what’s in your sheets

So just yellow blue cheese

This should be marked nsfw

The good news is that the free penicillin is all you can eat!

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