Hook, Line, and Sinker…

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Cares about the vulnerable, votes for bullies.

โ€œI am Republican, but I have a heart for the poorest and most vulnerable citizens.โ€

Man that statement is no different than saying you are a klansman but think black people deserve equal rights.

No sweetie, you need to have a heart for illegal and migrant children too. You need to have a heart for everyone – except the truly evil

I care about the poorest children but not the migrants…

“Handled humanely” is how people talk about the animals they eat getting slaughtered.

If millions are deported, as the GOP is claiming will happen, things will go wrong, and some will die. The media needs to know that, historically, deaths occurring during deportments are known as “exterminations.”

If you can rely on anything with a leopard, it is of course itโ€™s empathy.

Children are children, regardless od where they are born. And itโ€™s not like these kids chose to come to America illegally. We should be caring for those kids as well.

I have a heart for the poorest and most vulnerable but not undocumented children?

Come on you donโ€™t have a heart. Just go home

Does she mean white kids and white seniors ?

Asking for a friend.

Ya. I donโ€™t actually give a f**ck, but I should post this now since what I voted for is about to happen and I donโ€™t want people to think Iโ€™m mean.

Being shocked Trump lied about something is like biting into a sandwich and saying โ€œWhat the fuck?! Thereโ€™s bread in this!โ€

I have a heart for childrenโ€ฆ but not ALL children

Itโ€™s too late to care now.

“as long as they are handled humanely”

Handled seems like a term you’d use with prisoners

Oh yes, you only care about the REAL children.ย 

Good for you.ย ย 

May you always be treated exactly the same way you treat the least of these.

And may the leopardsโ€ฆ

Wouldnโ€™t it be easier to cut the deficit on the backs of the most vulnerable? After all they are essentially powerless, all they have going for themselves is morality.

โ€œWe need to make sure they are handled humanely.โ€

Just for context, there are still 1000 migrant children who were separated from their parents during the last Trump administration where no one knows who they or their parents are.

It is amazing how after a decade of Trump, people were willing to take his word when he said “I don’t know anything about Project 2025”

Compassion for ‘us’, but not for ‘them’. Sickening.

But when Trump blew up the deficit during a time of economic expansion in his first term, that was fine? Oh hell, this person doesn’t even understand what that means

[“I hope he keeps his word.”]comment image)

They hope a compulsive liar keeps his word. Love it.

“I have a heart for children, just not the brown ones, ew.”

How are the children of illegal immigrants not some of the most vulnerable? There are two scenarios in these peoples minds.

1) They are the children of rapist, murderers, drug dealers, etc. which makes them innocent victims of circumstance

2) They are the innocent children of people fleeing hardship and seeking a better life

Youโ€™re a christian or you have a heart until its someone from the wrong side of an arbitrary line I guess.

Y’know, with this amount of people voting for him you always know a chunk of them must genuinely take him at his word despite his well documented histories of lies, but seeing them unironically say things like this is something else.

I’d actually feel sorry for them if they weren’t so willfully ignorant and dismissive of what is said about the man they voted for.

Heck, even if they take him at his word, he has made some of his more questionable intentions clear countless times. And they still vote for him.

“I hope he keeps his word” lmao

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