My wife pre-portions mayo for each bite of her fish fingers

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I’m a sauce-puddle man myself. But I recognize game when I see it.

This is the sort of fastidious and particular behaviour that a genius and well cultured but entirely sadistic european psychopath would display in a r rated Hollywood action film.

And ironically, her peas are in total disarray.

She should put a single pea on each drop…. That’s Michelin level fish sticks.

Mayo?  That’s supposed to be tartare sauce.

This feels British

Round here we call em fish sticks ya hear?!

Is she single? She sounds like someone I could enjoy being around.

Ha. She knows what she likes.

What are you, a gay fish?

I do that too! (Swiss here)

Marry her again! 

Mayo…..never thought of that….one of my kids is a plum saucer….the other is ketchup……I’m a tartar

That’s some Michelin Star level presentation right there

If you lose her ima scoop her up.

Put a pea on each dollop and you have 3star Michelin meal

I would make a line to make sure, even a small bite has some mayo on it.

Now I need to try fish fingers with mayo

why are the peas not upside down?

I’m more of a line of sauce kinda guy myself but I respect it

I thought all brits ate their fish sticks with a giant bowl of custard

That is psychotic, but I am also realizing that it is also the only rational way to eat a fish stick. Your wife is correct, but also learn to sleep with your eyes open.

What kind of gd sorcery is this???

Fish fingers and mayo? That’s gross.

Mayo on that is just gross so I guess this is a middle ground

How many bodies in the freezer where she stores the fish fingers?

Your wife is a keeper.

i do this!!! finally a fellow pre-portioner 😀

She’s fancy

I sometimes do the same with my fries. Instead of dipping them in a glob of mayo, I pick one up, put a schmere down the length of it and chomp it down.

That’s good eatin

What sorta crazy person did you marry , tomato sauce for fish fingers…preferably in bread as a sandwich. I do love your wife idea 🙂 lol

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