Can’t forget they probably have a pool as well

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I wish

I think Americans understand the differences between middle class and rich

Honestly if it keeps them humbled and leads to them not being a spoiled rich asshole, let them believe what they want

Depends on the state, in California that house is 20million. In Texas it’s 300,000.

Upper middle class can afford this. A lot depends on location. 3 cars isn’t a hard thing to have. Husband, wife, and a car for the teenage kids to share. A pool isn’t expensive. Walmart sells them for under $500. In ground pools are expensive. If you go inside the house, then you can see if there is cheap furniture or expensive stuff.

As an American, I find this to be wholly unrealistic. WHERE are the servant quarters?! Is their hovel just outside the shot, or located out back?

I always think back to Home Alone to the Mccallister home thinking how that’s peak middle class or upper middle class for the early 90s and realize for most of us that door has closed as I look sit in my studio apartment in my mid thirties and think we had it too good back then

But in fact this is a cheap house because you have to rebuild it every time a little wind goes by

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