A child molester living in Thailand kept his identity anonymous by using a swirl app. In 2007 Interpol managed to unswirl his face and got arrested. In 2017 he got released and now lives in Canada

By prizd
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I remember when this happened. And I thought, what a doofus for thinking that would keep him “safe”. Glad he did though, if he was smarter he might never have gotten caught.

Pretty sure Microsoft did the “unswirling” and he was Canadian born.

Ironically a simple black rectangle would be impossible to reverse and fool proof, but he just had to be fancy.

Why didn’t he just use lemon on his face to make him invisible.

His name is Christopher Paul Neil.

« 2008: Neil pleads guilty.

2012: Neil is pardoned after five years in jail, deported and arrested in Vancouver. He agrees to court-ordered conditions for 18 months, including surrendering his passport, staying away from children and not using any devices to access the Internet.

2013: Neil is arrested for breaching those conditions ».

How come justice can believe that it is safe to let this guy free ? OF COURSE he will do it again! 😡🤬😡

Why was interpol arrested?


ppl like that should never see daylight again

It took 10 years to unswirl
So he served less time than it took to find him ….

Why on earth would you need to send a picture of your face to anyone (even with the swirl) as a child molester?

i don’t get it, like this app went across the internet and edit images?? that’s not how things work though…

or this guy uploaded his own face with the swirl? but why upload your face at all?

Have read about this in the past. I got a fright when I read in your title he is released and living with the public! He did so many horiffic vile unforgivable things, I’m shocked he ever got out of prison in general.

So they gave a public notification that anyone observing him to be breaching any of the 18 conditions of his parole are to report it to police. And then proceed to peovide ZERO of the 18 conditions that we are to be watching for. Brilliant.

useless fucking canadian justice system

Dude looks like a molester, classic creepy lazy eye and all

Her: what was that?

Him: counter clockwise swirl


I thought Canada doesn’t allow felons like trump to enter the country

If I remember correctly I heard he was also sent back to prison after his initial pardon because he broke the rules of his pardon by having an electronic device with internet access which was not something he was allowed to have according to the pardon agreement (really fucking stupid if you ask me that he was released in the first place)

Ten years in Thai prison doesn’t nearly cover it. Best part about catering is free access to a rotating oven. Can fit 24 turkeys in there. Bale a motherfucker down, set to 250f, and get ready for the most entertaining evening of your life.


Lol all you have to do is load it up in an image editor, select the swirl, and then swirl it in the opposite direction using various settings (and I would not be shocked if he used the default one) until you get the clearest possible image. What a moron.

Edit: Apparently I’m misremembering and mixing this up with another case that took place later on. Still, using a swirl instead of just blacking it out is a dumb move.

wow all that time, money, resources, and innocence lost… and hes free today. sheeeeeit

He lives three time zones away from me but he has to declare where he lives right? Right?

Most ironic thing on his biography is that he tried to became a catholic priest but was denied “due to a lack of qualifications.”

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My understanding is that he did a lot more than molest.

The guy who actually killed JonBenet Ramsey


Think they forgot to un-swirl that left eye.


So he’s gone back home to Canada…alrighty then.

That dude is internet famous, just for the unique way he got caught. Apparently it took a lot of effort to “unswirl” his face to be recognizable.

I thought he was a serial sexual predator of children – I am surprised to see he was released only after a few years?

I wonder what was misreported here about him because that doesn’t seem to line up with the story of how he was pursued and caught.

If I recall correctly this guy was committing some pretty heinous crimes against children and was given what I would consider a very light sentence. Really a travesty

People get executed for pushing dope over there, the least they could have done was castrate him before sending him home.

He should try running as a republican politician.

How is it that all criminals rush off to Canada for a safe haven?

Who arrested Interpol? Why did Interpol get arrested for unswirling? By the Freedom to Unswirl Act of 2007, any government agency anywhere has the right to unswirl anything, anytime. (I personally think that was a blatant overreach of global governing power, but let’s not get into politics.)

Should have saved everyone the trouble and put a bullet in his head…

Child predators belong in a cave they can never fucking leave.

Of course he does. Canada has no justice system

Ofcourse he’s gonna be living in Canada.


his face looks so creepy

Damn. Glad he got caught.

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